# DiscordChatExporter DiscordChatExporter can be used to export message history from [Discord](https://discordapp.com) to an HTML file. It works for both direct message chats and guild chats, supports markdown, message grouping, and attachments, and has an option to choose between light and dark themes. ## Screenshots ![](http://www.tyrrrz.me/Projects/DiscordChatExporter/Images/1.png) ## Download - [See releases](https://github.com/Tyrrrz/DiscordChatExporter/releases) ## Features - Supports both dark and light theme - Displays user avatars - Groups messages by author and time - Handles Discord markdown characters - Converts URLs to links - Inlines attached images with a link to the full version - Inserts download links for other types of attached files - Marks edited messages with a timestamp ## Usage The program expects an access token and channel ID as parameters. At minimum, the execution should look like this: `DiscordChatExporter.exe /token:REkOTVqm9RWOTNOLCdiuMpWd.QiglBz.Lub0E0TZ1xX4ZxCtnwtpBhWt3v1 /channelId:459360869055190534` #### Getting access token - Open Discord desktop or web client - Press `Ctrl+Shift+I` - Navigate to `Application > Storage > Local Storage > https://discordapp.com` - Find the value for `token` and extract it #### Getting channel ID - Open Discord desktop or web client - Navigate to any DM or server channel - Extract the current URL: - If using desktop client, press `Ctrl+Shift+I`, type `window.location.href` in console and extract the result - If using web client, just take the current URL from the address bar - Pull the ID from the URL: - If it's a DM channel, the format looks like this: `https://discordapp.com/channels/@me/CHANNEL_ID` - If it's a server channel, the format looks like this: `https://discordapp.com/channels/WHATEVER/CHANNEL_ID` #### Optional arguments - `/theme:[Dark/Light]` - sets the style of the output ## Libraries used - [HtmlAgilityPack](https://github.com/zzzprojects/html-agility-pack) - [Newtonsoft.Json](https://github.com/JamesNK/Newtonsoft.Json) - [Tyrrrz.Extensions](https://github.com/Tyrrrz/Extensions)