using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using CliFx; using CliFx.Attributes; using CliFx.Infrastructure; namespace DiscordChatExporter.Cli.Commands; [Command("guide", Description = "Explains how to obtain the token, server or channel ID.")] public class GuideCommand : ICommand { public ValueTask ExecuteAsync(IConsole console) { // User token using (console.WithForegroundColor(ConsoleColor.White)) console.Output.WriteLine("To get the token for your personal account:"); console.Output.WriteLine( " * Automating user accounts is technically against TOS — USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!" ); console.Output.WriteLine(" 1. Open Discord in your web browser and login"); console.Output.WriteLine(" 2. Open any server or direct message channel"); console.Output.WriteLine(" 3. Press Ctrl+Shift+I to show developer tools"); console.Output.WriteLine(" 4. Navigate to the Network tab"); console.Output.WriteLine(" 5. Press Ctrl+R to reload"); console.Output.WriteLine(" 6. Switch between random channels to trigger network requests"); console.Output.WriteLine(" 7. Search for a request that starts with \"messages\""); console.Output.WriteLine(" 8. Select the Headers tab on the right"); console.Output.WriteLine(" 9. Scroll down to the Request Headers section"); console.Output.WriteLine(" 10. Copy the value of the \"authorization\" header"); console.Output.WriteLine(); // Bot token using (console.WithForegroundColor(ConsoleColor.White)) console.Output.WriteLine("To get the token for your bot:"); console.Output.WriteLine(" 1. Go to Discord developer portal"); console.Output.WriteLine(" 2. Open your application's settings"); console.Output.WriteLine(" 3. Navigate to the Bot section on the left"); console.Output.WriteLine(" 4. Under Token click Copy"); console.Output.WriteLine( " * Your bot needs to have the Message Content Intent enabled to read messages" ); console.Output.WriteLine(); // Guild or channel ID using (console.WithForegroundColor(ConsoleColor.White)) console.Output.WriteLine("To get the ID of a server or a channel:"); console.Output.WriteLine(" 1. Open Discord"); console.Output.WriteLine(" 2. Open Settings"); console.Output.WriteLine(" 3. Go to Advanced section"); console.Output.WriteLine(" 4. Enable Developer Mode"); console.Output.WriteLine( " 5. Right-click on the desired server or channel and click Copy Server ID or Copy Channel ID" ); console.Output.WriteLine(); // Docs link using (console.WithForegroundColor(ConsoleColor.White)) { console.Output.WriteLine( "If you have questions or issues, please refer to the documentation:" ); } using (console.WithForegroundColor(ConsoleColor.DarkCyan)) { console.Output.WriteLine( "" ); } return default; } }