BIOSUtilities/Fujitsu SFX BIOS Extractor/
Plato Mavropoulos c05a1da05f Fujitsu UPC BIOS Extractor v1.0
Fujitsu UPC BIOS Extractor v1.0

Parses Fujitsu UPC images and extracts their Tiano compressed SPI/BIOS firmware component. The output comprises only a final firmware component which is directly usable by end users.

Fujitsu SFX BIOS Extractor v2.1

Small rebranding
2021-09-15 16:42:39 +03:00

82 lines
2.8 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Fujitsu SFX Extractor
Fujitsu SFX BIOS Extractor
Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Plato Mavropoulos
print('Fujitsu SFX BIOS Extractor v2.1')
import os
import re
import sys
import subprocess
if len(sys.argv) >= 2 :
# Drag & Drop or CLI
fjsfx_exec = sys.argv[1:]
else :
# Folder path
fjsfx_exec = []
in_path = input('\nEnter the full folder path: ')
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(in_path):
for name in files :
fjsfx_exec.append(os.path.join(root, name))
# "FjSfxBinay" + Microsoft CAB Header XOR 0xFF (Tag[4] + Res[4] + Size[4] + Res[4] + Offset[4] + Res[4] + Ver[2]) pattern
mscf_pattern = re.compile(br'\x46\x6A\x53\x66\x78\x42\x69\x6E\x61\x79\xB2\xAC\xBC\xB9\xFF{4}.{4}\xFF{4}.{4}\xFF{4}\xFC\xFE', re.DOTALL)
for input_file in fjsfx_exec :
file_path = os.path.abspath(input_file)
file_dir = os.path.dirname(file_path)
file_name = os.path.basename(file_path)
print('\nFile: ' + file_name)
# Open Fujitsu SFX Binary Packager executable as mutable bytearray
with open(input_file, 'rb') as in_file : FjSfx = bytearray(
match_mscf = # Search for Fujitsu Microsoft CAB Header XOR 0xFF pattern
# Check if Microsoft CAB Header XOR 0xFF pattern exists
if match_mscf :
print('\n Detected Obfuscation!')
mscf_start = match_mscf.start() + 0xA # Microsoft CAB Header XOR 0xFF starts after "FjSfxBinay" signature
# Determine the Microsoft CAB image Size
cab_size = int.from_bytes(FjSfx[mscf_start + 0x8:mscf_start + 0xC], 'little') # Get LE XOR-ed CAB Size
xor_size = int.from_bytes(b'\xFF' * 0x4, 'little') # Create CAB Size XOR value
cab_size = cab_size ^ xor_size # Perform XOR 0xFF and get actual CAB Size
print('\n Removing Obfuscation...')
# Determine the Microsoft CAB image Data
cab_data = int.from_bytes(FjSfx[mscf_start:mscf_start + cab_size], 'big') # Get BE XOR-ed CAB Data
xor_data = int.from_bytes(b'\xFF' * cab_size, 'big') # Create CAB Data XOR value
cab_data = (cab_data ^ xor_data).to_bytes(cab_size, 'big') # Perform XOR 0xFF and get actual CAB Data
print('\n Extracting...')
with open('', 'wb') as cab_file : cab_file.write(cab_data) # Create temporary CAB image
extr_path = os.path.join(file_dir, file_name[:-4], '') # Create CAB image extraction path
try :
decomp =['7z', 'x', '-aou', '-bso0', '-bse0', '-bsp0', '-o' + extr_path, '']) # 7-Zip
print('\n Extracted!')
except :
print('\n Error: Could not decompress Microsoft CAB image!')
print(' Make sure that "7z" executable exists!')
os.remove('') # Remove temporary CAB image
else :
print('\n Error: This is not a Fujitsu SFX BIOS image!')
continue # Next input file
else :