platomav 7e96a62f42 Added --static optional parameter
Allows usage of static-built external dependencies
2022-05-06 14:58:00 +03:00

529 lines
24 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
AMI UCP Extract
AMI UCP BIOS Extractor
Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Plato Mavropoulos
TITLE = 'AMI UCP BIOS Extractor v2.0_a12'
import os
import re
import sys
import struct
import ctypes
import contextlib
# Stop __pycache__ generation
sys.dont_write_bytecode = True
from common.a7z_comp import a7z_decompress, is_7z_supported
from common.checksums import get_chk_16
from common.efi_comp import efi_decompress, is_efi_compressed
from common.path_ops import agnostic_path, safe_name, safe_path, make_dirs
from common.patterns import PAT_AMI_UCP, PAT_INTEL_ENG
from common.struct_ops import get_struct, char, uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t
from common.system import script_init, argparse_init, printer
from common.text_ops import file_to_bytes, to_string
from AMI_PFAT_Extract import get_ami_pfat, parse_pfat_file
class UafHeader(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure):
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
('ModuleTag', char*4), # 0x00
('ModuleSize', uint32_t), # 0x04
('Checksum', uint16_t), # 0x08
('Unknown0', uint8_t), # 0x0A
('Unknown1', uint8_t), # 0x0A
('Reserved', uint8_t*4), # 0x0C
# 0x10
def _get_reserved(self):
res_bytes = bytes(self.Reserved)
res_str = re.sub(r'[\n\t\r\x00 ]', '', res_bytes.decode('utf-8','ignore'))
res_hex = '0x%0.*X' % (0x4 * 2, int.from_bytes(res_bytes, 'big'))
res_out = res_hex + (' (%s)' % res_str if len(res_str) else '')
return res_out
def struct_print(self, p):
printer(['Tag :', self.ModuleTag.decode('utf-8')], p, False)
printer(['Size :', '0x%X' % self.ModuleSize], p, False)
printer(['Checksum :', '0x%0.4X' % self.Checksum], p, False)
printer(['Unknown 0 :', '0x%0.2X' % self.Unknown0], p, False)
printer(['Unknown 1 :', '0x%0.2X' % self.Unknown1], p, False)
printer(['Reserved :', self._get_reserved()], p, False)
class UafModule(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure):
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
('CompressSize', uint32_t), # 0x00
('OriginalSize', uint32_t), # 0x04
# 0x08
def struct_print(self, p, filename, description):
printer(['Compress Size:', '0x%X' % self.CompressSize], p, False)
printer(['Original Size:', '0x%X' % self.OriginalSize], p, False)
printer(['Filename :', filename], p, False)
printer(['Description :', description], p, False)
class UiiHeader(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure):
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
('UIISize', uint16_t), # 0x00
('Checksum', uint16_t), # 0x02
('UtilityVersion', uint32_t), # 0x04 AFU|BGT (Unknown, Signed)
('InfoSize', uint16_t), # 0x08
('SupportBIOS', uint8_t), # 0x0A
('SupportOS', uint8_t), # 0x0B
('DataBusWidth', uint8_t), # 0x0C
('ProgramType', uint8_t), # 0x0D
('ProgramMode', uint8_t), # 0x0E
('SourceSafeRel', uint8_t), # 0x0F
# 0x10
SBI = {1: 'ALL', 2: 'AMIBIOS8', 3: 'UEFI', 4: 'AMIBIOS8/UEFI'}
SOS = {1: 'DOS', 2: 'EFI', 3: 'Windows', 4: 'Linux', 5: 'FreeBSD', 6: 'MacOS', 128: 'Multi-Platform'}
DBW = {1: '16b', 2: '16/32b', 3: '32b', 4: '64b'}
PTP = {1: 'Executable', 2: 'Library', 3: 'Driver'}
PMD = {1: 'API', 2: 'Console', 3: 'GUI', 4: 'Console/GUI'}
def struct_print(self, p, description):
SupportBIOS = self.SBI.get(self.SupportBIOS, 'Unknown (%d)' % self.SupportBIOS)
SupportOS = self.SOS.get(self.SupportOS, 'Unknown (%d)' % self.SupportOS)
DataBusWidth = self.DBW.get(self.DataBusWidth, 'Unknown (%d)' % self.DataBusWidth)
ProgramType = self.PTP.get(self.ProgramType, 'Unknown (%d)' % self.ProgramType)
ProgramMode = self.PMD.get(self.ProgramMode, 'Unknown (%d)' % self.ProgramMode)
printer(['UII Size :', '0x%X' % self.UIISize], p, False)
printer(['Checksum :', '0x%0.4X' % self.Checksum], p, False)
printer(['Tool Version :', '0x%0.8X' % self.UtilityVersion], p, False)
printer(['Info Size :', '0x%X' % self.InfoSize], p, False)
printer(['Supported BIOS:', SupportBIOS], p, False)
printer(['Supported OS :', SupportOS], p, False)
printer(['Data Bus Width:', DataBusWidth], p, False)
printer(['Program Type :', ProgramType], p, False)
printer(['Program Mode :', ProgramMode], p, False)
printer(['SourceSafe Tag:', '%0.2d' % self.SourceSafeRel], p, False)
printer(['Description :', description], p, False)
class DisHeader(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure):
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
('PasswordSize', uint16_t), # 0x00
('EntryCount', uint16_t), # 0x02
('Password', char*12), # 0x04
# 0x10
def struct_print(self, p):
printer(['Password Size:', '0x%X' % self.PasswordSize], p, False)
printer(['Entry Count :', self.EntryCount], p, False)
printer(['Password :', self.Password.decode('utf-8')], p, False)
class DisModule(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure):
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
('EnabledDisabled', uint8_t), # 0x00
('ShownHidden', uint8_t), # 0x01
('Command', char*32), # 0x02
('Description', char*256), # 0x22
# 0x122
ENDIS = {0: 'Disabled', 1: 'Enabled'}
SHOWN = {0: 'Hidden', 1: 'Shown', 2: 'Shown Only'}
def struct_print(self, p):
EnabledDisabled = self.ENDIS.get(self.EnabledDisabled, 'Unknown (%d)' % self.EnabledDisabled)
ShownHidden = self.SHOWN.get(self.ShownHidden, 'Unknown (%d)' % self.ShownHidden)
printer(['State :', EnabledDisabled], p, False)
printer(['Display :', ShownHidden], p, False)
printer(['Command :', self.Command.decode('utf-8').strip()], p, False)
printer(['Description:', self.Description.decode('utf-8').strip()], p, False)
# Validate UCP Module Checksum-16
def chk16_validate(data, tag, padd=0):
if get_chk_16(data) != 0:
printer('Error: Invalid UCP Module %s Checksum!' % tag, padd, pause=True)
printer('Checksum of UCP Module %s is valid!' % tag, padd)
# Check if input path or buffer is AMI UCP image
def is_ami_ucp(in_file):
buffer = file_to_bytes(in_file)
return bool(get_ami_ucp(buffer)[0])
# Get all input file AMI UCP patterns
def get_ami_ucp(buffer):
uaf_len_max = 0x0 # Length of largest detected @UAF|@HPU
uaf_hdr_off = 0x0 # Offset of largest detected @UAF|@HPU
uaf_buf_bin = b'' # Buffer of largest detected @UAF|@HPU
uaf_buf_tag = '@UAF' # Tag of largest detected @UAF|@HPU
for uaf in PAT_AMI_UCP.finditer(buffer):
uaf_len_cur = int.from_bytes(buffer[uaf.start() + 0x4:uaf.start() + 0x8], 'little')
if uaf_len_cur > uaf_len_max:
uaf_len_max = uaf_len_cur
uaf_hdr_off = uaf.start()
uaf_buf_bin = buffer[uaf_hdr_off:uaf_hdr_off + uaf_len_max]
uaf_buf_tag =[:4].decode('utf-8','ignore')
return uaf_hdr_off, uaf_buf_bin, uaf_buf_tag
# Get list of @UAF|@HPU Modules
def get_uaf_mod(buffer, uaf_off=0x0):
uaf_all = [] # Initialize list of all @UAF|@HPU Modules
while buffer[uaf_off] == 0x40: # ASCII of @ is 0x40
uaf_hdr = get_struct(buffer, uaf_off, UafHeader) # Parse @UAF|@HPU Module Structure
uaf_tag = uaf_hdr.ModuleTag.decode('utf-8') # Get unique @UAF|@HPU Module Tag
uaf_all.append([uaf_tag, uaf_off, uaf_hdr]) # Store @UAF|@HPU Module Info
uaf_off += uaf_hdr.ModuleSize # Adjust to next @UAF|@HPU Module offset
if uaf_off >= len(buffer): break # Stop parsing at EOF
# Check if @UAF|@HPU Module @NAL exists and place it first
# Parsing @NAL first allows naming all @UAF|@HPU Modules
for mod_idx,mod_val in enumerate(uaf_all):
if mod_val[0] == '@NAL':
uaf_all.insert(1, uaf_all.pop(mod_idx)) # After UII for visual purposes
break # @NAL found, skip the rest
return uaf_all
# Parse & Extract AMI UCP structures
def ucp_extract(buffer, out_path, ucp_tag='@UAF', padding=0, is_checksum=False, is_static=False):
nal_dict = {} # Initialize @NAL Dictionary per UCP
printer('Utility Configuration Program', padding)
extract_path = os.path.join(out_path + '_extracted')
make_dirs(extract_path, delete=True)
uaf_hdr = get_struct(buffer, 0, UafHeader) # Parse @UAF|@HPU Header Structure
printer('Utility Auxiliary File > %s:\n' % ucp_tag, padding + 4)
uaf_hdr.struct_print(padding + 8)
fake = struct.pack('<II', len(buffer), len(buffer)) # Generate UafModule Structure
uaf_mod = get_struct(fake, 0x0, UafModule) # Parse @UAF|@HPU Module EFI Structure
uaf_name = UAF_TAG_DICT[ucp_tag][0] # Get @UAF|@HPU Module Filename
uaf_desc = UAF_TAG_DICT[ucp_tag][1] # Get @UAF|@HPU Module Description
uaf_mod.struct_print(padding + 8, uaf_name, uaf_desc) # Print @UAF|@HPU Module EFI Info
if is_checksum: chk16_validate(buffer, ucp_tag, padding + 8)
uaf_all = get_uaf_mod(buffer, UAF_HDR_LEN)
for mod_info in uaf_all:
nal_dict = uaf_extract(buffer, extract_path, mod_info, padding + 8, is_checksum, is_static, nal_dict)
# Parse & Extract AMI UCP > @UAF|@HPU Module/Section
def uaf_extract(buffer, extract_path, mod_info, padding=0, is_checksum=False, is_static=False, nal_dict=None):
if nal_dict is None: nal_dict = {}
uaf_tag,uaf_off,uaf_hdr = mod_info
uaf_data_all = buffer[uaf_off:uaf_off + uaf_hdr.ModuleSize] # @UAF|@HPU Module Entire Data
uaf_data_mod = uaf_data_all[UAF_HDR_LEN:] # @UAF|@HPU Module EFI Data
uaf_data_raw = uaf_data_mod[UAF_MOD_LEN:] # @UAF|@HPU Module Raw Data
printer('Utility Auxiliary File > %s:\n' % uaf_tag, padding)
uaf_hdr.struct_print(padding + 4) # Print @UAF|@HPU Module Info
uaf_mod = get_struct(buffer, uaf_off + UAF_HDR_LEN, UafModule) # Parse UAF Module EFI Structure
is_comp = uaf_mod.CompressSize != uaf_mod.OriginalSize # Detect @UAF|@HPU Module EFI Compression
if uaf_tag in nal_dict: uaf_name = nal_dict[uaf_tag][1] # Always prefer @NAL naming first
elif uaf_tag in UAF_TAG_DICT: uaf_name = UAF_TAG_DICT[uaf_tag][0] # Otherwise use built-in naming
elif uaf_tag == '@ROM': uaf_name = 'BIOS.bin' # BIOS/PFAT Firmware (w/o Signature)
elif uaf_tag.startswith('@R0'): uaf_name = 'BIOS_0%s.bin' % uaf_tag[3:] # BIOS/PFAT Firmware
elif uaf_tag.startswith('@S0'): uaf_name = 'BIOS_0%s.sig' % uaf_tag[3:] # BIOS/PFAT Signature
elif uaf_tag.startswith('@DR'): uaf_name = 'DROM_0%s.bin' % uaf_tag[3:] # Thunderbolt Retimer Firmware
elif uaf_tag.startswith('@DS'): uaf_name = 'DROM_0%s.sig' % uaf_tag[3:] # Thunderbolt Retimer Signature
elif uaf_tag.startswith('@EC'): uaf_name = 'EC_0%s.bin' % uaf_tag[3:] # Embedded Controller Firmware
elif uaf_tag.startswith('@ME'): uaf_name = 'ME_0%s.bin' % uaf_tag[3:] # Management Engine Firmware
else: uaf_name = uaf_tag # Could not name the @UAF|@HPU Module, use Tag instead
uaf_fext = '' if uaf_name != uaf_tag else '.bin'
uaf_fdesc = UAF_TAG_DICT[uaf_tag][1] if uaf_tag in UAF_TAG_DICT else uaf_name
uaf_mod.struct_print(padding + 4, uaf_name + uaf_fext, uaf_fdesc) # Print @UAF|@HPU Module EFI Info
# Check if unknown @UAF|@HPU Module Tag is present in @NAL but not in built-in dictionary
if uaf_tag in nal_dict and uaf_tag not in UAF_TAG_DICT and not uaf_tag.startswith(('@ROM','@R0','@S0','@DR','@DS')):
printer('Note: Detected new AMI UCP Module %s (%s) in @NAL!' % (uaf_tag, nal_dict[uaf_tag][1]), padding + 4, pause=True)
# Generate @UAF|@HPU Module File name, depending on whether decompression will be required
uaf_sname = safe_name(uaf_name + ('.temp' if is_comp else uaf_fext))
if uaf_tag in nal_dict:
uaf_npath = safe_path(extract_path, nal_dict[uaf_tag][0])
make_dirs(uaf_npath, exist_ok=True)
uaf_fname = safe_path(uaf_npath, uaf_sname)
uaf_fname = safe_path(extract_path, uaf_sname)
if is_checksum: chk16_validate(uaf_data_all, uaf_tag, padding + 4)
# Parse Utility Identification Information @UAF|@HPU Module (@UII)
if uaf_tag == '@UII':
info_hdr = get_struct(uaf_data_raw, 0, UiiHeader) # Parse @UII Module Raw Structure
info_data = uaf_data_raw[max(UII_HDR_LEN,info_hdr.InfoSize):info_hdr.UIISize] # @UII Module Info Data
# Get @UII Module Info/Description text field
info_desc = info_data.decode('utf-8','ignore').strip('\x00 ')
printer('Utility Identification Information:\n', padding + 4)
info_hdr.struct_print(padding + 8, info_desc) # Print @UII Module Info
if is_checksum: chk16_validate(uaf_data_raw, '@UII > Info', padding + 8)
# Store/Save @UII Module Info in file
with open(uaf_fname[:-4] + '.txt', 'a', encoding='utf-8') as uii_out:
with contextlib.redirect_stdout(uii_out):
info_hdr.struct_print(0, info_desc) # Store @UII Module Info
# Adjust @UAF|@HPU Module Raw Data for extraction
if is_comp:
# Some Compressed @UAF|@HPU Module EFI data lack necessary EOF padding
if uaf_mod.CompressSize > len(uaf_data_raw):
comp_padd = b'\x00' * (uaf_mod.CompressSize - len(uaf_data_raw))
uaf_data_raw = uaf_data_mod[:UAF_MOD_LEN] + uaf_data_raw + comp_padd # Add missing padding for decompression
uaf_data_raw = uaf_data_mod[:UAF_MOD_LEN] + uaf_data_raw # Add the EFI/Tiano Compression info before Raw Data
uaf_data_raw = uaf_data_raw[:uaf_mod.OriginalSize] # No compression, extend to end of Original @UAF|@HPU Module size
# Store/Save @UAF|@HPU Module file
if uaf_tag != '@UII': # Skip @UII binary, already parsed
with open(uaf_fname, 'wb') as uaf_out: uaf_out.write(uaf_data_raw)
# @UAF|@HPU Module EFI/Tiano Decompression
if is_comp and is_efi_compressed(uaf_data_raw, False):
dec_fname = uaf_fname.replace('.temp', uaf_fext) # Decompressed @UAF|@HPU Module file path
if efi_decompress(uaf_fname, dec_fname, padding + 4) == 0:
with open(dec_fname, 'rb') as dec: uaf_data_raw = # Read back the @UAF|@HPU Module decompressed Raw data
os.remove(uaf_fname) # Successful decompression, delete compressed @UAF|@HPU Module file
uaf_fname = dec_fname # Adjust @UAF|@HPU Module file path to the decompressed one
# Process and Print known text only @UAF|@HPU Modules (after EFI/Tiano Decompression)
if uaf_tag in UAF_TAG_DICT and UAF_TAG_DICT[uaf_tag][2] == 'Text':
printer(UAF_TAG_DICT[uaf_tag][1] + ':', padding + 4)
printer(uaf_data_raw.decode('utf-8','ignore'), padding + 8)
# Parse Default Command Status @UAF|@HPU Module (@DIS)
if len(uaf_data_raw) and uaf_tag == '@DIS':
dis_hdr = get_struct(uaf_data_raw, 0x0, DisHeader) # Parse @DIS Module Raw Header Structure
printer('Default Command Status Header:\n', padding + 4)
dis_hdr.struct_print(padding + 8) # Print @DIS Module Raw Header Info
# Store/Save @DIS Module Header Info in file
with open(uaf_fname[:-3] + 'txt', 'a', encoding='utf-8') as dis:
with contextlib.redirect_stdout(dis):
dis_hdr.struct_print(0) # Store @DIS Module Header Info
dis_data = uaf_data_raw[DIS_HDR_LEN:] # @DIS Module Entries Data
# Parse all @DIS Module Entries
for mod_idx in range(dis_hdr.EntryCount):
dis_mod = get_struct(dis_data, mod_idx * DIS_MOD_LEN, DisModule) # Parse @DIS Module Raw Entry Structure
printer('Default Command Status Entry %0.2d/%0.2d:\n' % (mod_idx + 1, dis_hdr.EntryCount), padding + 8)
dis_mod.struct_print(padding + 12) # Print @DIS Module Raw Entry Info
# Store/Save @DIS Module Entry Info in file
with open(uaf_fname[:-3] + 'txt', 'a', encoding='utf-8') as dis:
with contextlib.redirect_stdout(dis):
dis_mod.struct_print(4) # Store @DIS Module Entry Info
os.remove(uaf_fname) # Delete @DIS Module binary, info exported as text
# Parse Name List @UAF|@HPU Module (@NAL)
if len(uaf_data_raw) >= 5 and (uaf_tag,uaf_data_raw[0],uaf_data_raw[4]) == ('@NAL',0x40,0x3A):
nal_info = uaf_data_raw.decode('utf-8','ignore').replace('\r','').strip().split('\n')
printer('AMI UCP Module Name List:\n', padding + 4)
# Parse all @NAL Module Entries
for info in nal_info:
info_tag,info_value = info.split(':',1)
printer(info_tag + ' : ' + info_value, padding + 8, False) # Print @NAL Module Tag-Path Info
info_part = agnostic_path(info_value).parts # Split OS agnostic path in parts
info_path = to_string(info_part[1:-1], os.sep) # Get path without drive/root or file
info_name = info_part[-1] # Get file from last path part
nal_dict[info_tag] = (info_path,info_name) # Assign a file path & name to each Tag
# Parse Insyde BIOS @UAF|@HPU Module (@INS)
if uaf_tag == '@INS' and is_7z_supported(uaf_fname, padding + 4, static=is_static):
ins_dir = os.path.join(extract_path, safe_name(uaf_tag + '_nested-SFX')) # Generate extraction directory
printer('Insyde BIOS 7z SFX Archive:', padding + 4)
if a7z_decompress(uaf_fname, ins_dir, '7z SFX', padding + 8, static=is_static) == 0:
os.remove(uaf_fname) # Successful extraction, delete @INS Module file/archive
# Detect & Unpack AMI BIOS Guard (PFAT) BIOS image
pfat_match,pfat_buffer = get_ami_pfat(uaf_data_raw)
if pfat_match:
pfat_dir = os.path.join(extract_path, safe_name(uaf_name))
parse_pfat_file(pfat_buffer, pfat_dir, padding + 4)
os.remove(uaf_fname) # Delete PFAT Module file after extraction
# Detect Intel Engine firmware image and show ME Analyzer advice
if uaf_tag.startswith('@ME') and
printer('Intel Management Engine (ME) Firmware:\n', padding + 4)
printer('Use "ME Analyzer" from', padding + 8, False)
# Get best Nested AMI UCP Pattern match based on @UAF|@HPU Size
nested_uaf_off,nested_uaf_bin,nested_uaf_tag = get_ami_ucp(uaf_data_raw)
# Parse Nested AMI UCP Structure
if nested_uaf_off:
uaf_dir = os.path.join(extract_path, safe_name(uaf_tag + '_nested-UCP')) # Generate extraction directory
ucp_extract(nested_uaf_bin, uaf_dir, nested_uaf_tag, padding + 4, is_checksum, is_static) # Call recursively
os.remove(uaf_fname) # Delete raw nested AMI UCP Structure after successful recursion/extraction
return nal_dict
# Get common ctypes Structure Sizes
UAF_HDR_LEN = ctypes.sizeof(UafHeader)
UAF_MOD_LEN = ctypes.sizeof(UafModule)
DIS_HDR_LEN = ctypes.sizeof(DisHeader)
DIS_MOD_LEN = ctypes.sizeof(DisModule)
UII_HDR_LEN = ctypes.sizeof(UiiHeader)
# AMI UCP Tag Dictionary
'@3FI' : ['HpBiosUpdate32.efi', 'HpBiosUpdate32.efi', ''],
'@3S2' : ['HpBiosUpdate32.s12', 'HpBiosUpdate32.s12', ''],
'@3S4' : ['HpBiosUpdate32.s14', 'HpBiosUpdate32.s14', ''],
'@3S9' : ['HpBiosUpdate32.s09', 'HpBiosUpdate32.s09', ''],
'@3SG' : ['HpBiosUpdate32.sig', 'HpBiosUpdate32.sig', ''],
'@AMI' : ['UCP_Nested.bin', 'Nested AMI UCP', ''],
'@B12' : ['BiosMgmt.s12', 'BiosMgmt.s12', ''],
'@B14' : ['BiosMgmt.s14', 'BiosMgmt.s14', ''],
'@B32' : ['BiosMgmt32.s12', 'BiosMgmt32.s12', ''],
'@B34' : ['BiosMgmt32.s14', 'BiosMgmt32.s14', ''],
'@B39' : ['BiosMgmt32.s09', 'BiosMgmt32.s09', ''],
'@B3E' : ['BiosMgmt32.efi', 'BiosMgmt32.efi', ''],
'@BM9' : ['BiosMgmt.s09', 'BiosMgmt.s09', ''],
'@BME' : ['BiosMgmt.efi', 'BiosMgmt.efi', ''],
'@CKV' : ['Check_Version.txt', 'Check Version', 'Text'],
'@CMD' : ['AFU_Command.txt', 'AMI AFU Command', 'Text'],
'@CPM' : ['AC_Message.txt', 'Confirm Power Message', ''],
'@DCT' : ['DevCon32.exe', 'Device Console WIN32', ''],
'@DCX' : ['DevCon64.exe', 'Device Console WIN64', ''],
'@DFE' : ['HpDevFwUpdate.efi', 'HpDevFwUpdate.efi', ''],
'@DFS' : ['HpDevFwUpdate.s12', 'HpDevFwUpdate.s12', ''],
'@DIS' : ['Command_Status.bin', 'Default Command Status', ''],
'@ENB' : ['ENBG64.exe', 'ENBG64.exe', ''],
'@HPU' : ['UCP_Main.bin', 'Utility Auxiliary File (HP)', ''],
'@INS' : ['Insyde_Nested.bin', 'Nested Insyde SFX', ''],
'@M32' : ['HpBiosMgmt32.s12', 'HpBiosMgmt32.s12', ''],
'@M34' : ['HpBiosMgmt32.s14', 'HpBiosMgmt32.s14', ''],
'@M39' : ['HpBiosMgmt32.s09', 'HpBiosMgmt32.s09', ''],
'@M3I' : ['HpBiosMgmt32.efi', 'HpBiosMgmt32.efi', ''],
'@MEC' : ['FWUpdLcl.txt', 'Intel FWUpdLcl Command', 'Text'],
'@MED' : ['FWUpdLcl_DOS.exe', 'Intel FWUpdLcl DOS', ''],
'@MET' : ['FWUpdLcl_WIN32.exe', 'Intel FWUpdLcl WIN32', ''],
'@MFI' : ['HpBiosMgmt.efi', 'HpBiosMgmt.efi', ''],
'@MS2' : ['HpBiosMgmt.s12', 'HpBiosMgmt.s12', ''],
'@MS4' : ['HpBiosMgmt.s14', 'HpBiosMgmt.s14', ''],
'@MS9' : ['HpBiosMgmt.s09', 'HpBiosMgmt.s09', ''],
'@NAL' : ['UCP_List.txt', 'AMI UCP Module Name List', ''],
'@OKM' : ['OK_Message.txt', 'OK Message', ''],
'@PFC' : ['BGT_Command.txt', 'AMI BGT Command', 'Text'],
'@R3I' : ['CryptRSA32.efi', 'CryptRSA32.efi', ''],
'@RFI' : ['CryptRSA.efi', 'CryptRSA.efi', ''],
'@UAF' : ['UCP_Main.bin', 'Utility Auxiliary File (AMI)', ''],
'@UFI' : ['HpBiosUpdate.efi', 'HpBiosUpdate.efi', ''],
'@UII' : ['UCP_Info.txt', 'Utility Identification Information', ''],
'@US2' : ['HpBiosUpdate.s12', 'HpBiosUpdate.s12', ''],
'@US4' : ['HpBiosUpdate.s14', 'HpBiosUpdate.s14', ''],
'@US9' : ['HpBiosUpdate.s09', 'HpBiosUpdate.s09', ''],
'@USG' : ['HpBiosUpdate.sig', 'HpBiosUpdate.sig', ''],
'@VER' : ['OEM_Version.txt', 'OEM Version', 'Text'],
'@VXD' : ['amifldrv.vxd', 'amifldrv.vxd', ''],
'@W32' : ['amifldrv32.sys', 'amifldrv32.sys', ''],
'@W64' : ['amifldrv64.sys', 'amifldrv64.sys', ''],
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Set argparse Arguments
argparser = argparse_init()
argparser.add_argument('-c', '--checksum', help='verify AMI UCP Checksums (slow)', action='store_true')
arguments = argparser.parse_args()
is_checksum = arguments.checksum # Set Checksum verification optional argument
is_static = arguments.static # Set Static dependencies usage optional argument
# Initialize script (must be after argparse)
exit_code,input_files,output_path,padding = script_init(TITLE, arguments, 4)
for input_file in input_files:
input_name = os.path.basename(input_file)
printer(['***', input_name], padding - 4)
with open(input_file, 'rb') as in_file: input_buffer =
# Get best AMI UCP Pattern match based on @UAF|@HPU Size
main_uaf_off,main_uaf_bin,main_uaf_tag = get_ami_ucp(input_buffer)
if not main_uaf_off:
printer('Error: This is not an AMI UCP BIOS executable!', padding)
continue # Next input file
extract_path = os.path.join(output_path, input_name)
ucp_extract(main_uaf_bin, extract_path, main_uaf_tag, padding, is_checksum, is_static)
exit_code -= 1
printer('Done!', pause=True)