platomav aea54aeaad Phoenix TDK Packer Extractor v2.0_a6
Dramatically increase TDK Packer base offset detection speed

Applied regex pattern improvements
2022-05-24 14:36:46 +03:00

157 lines
5.7 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Portwell EFI Extract
Portwell EFI Update Extractor
Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Plato Mavropoulos
TITLE = 'Portwell EFI Update Extractor v2.0_a7'
import os
import sys
import pefile
# Stop __pycache__ generation
sys.dont_write_bytecode = True
from common.efi_comp import efi_decompress, is_efi_compressed
from common.path_ops import safe_name, make_dirs
from common.patterns import PAT_PORTWELL_EFI, PAT_MICROSOFT_MZ
from common.system import script_init, argparse_init, printer
from common.text_ops import file_to_bytes
0 : 'Flash.efi',
1 : 'Fparts.txt',
2 : 'Update.nsh',
3 : 'Temp.bin',
4 : 'SaveDmiData.efi'
# Check if input is Portwell EFI executable
def is_portwell_efi(in_file):
in_buffer = file_to_bytes(in_file)
try: pe_buffer = get_portwell_pe(in_buffer)[1]
except: pe_buffer = b''
is_mz =[:0x2]) # EFI images start with PE Header MZ
is_uu =[:0x4]) # Portwell EFI files start with <UU>
return is_mz and is_uu
# Get PE of Portwell EFI executable
def get_portwell_pe(in_buffer):
pe_file = pefile.PE(data=in_buffer, fast_load=True) # Analyze EFI Portable Executable (PE)
pe_data = in_buffer[pe_file.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SizeOfImage:] # Skip EFI executable (pylint: disable=E1101)
return pe_file, pe_data
# Parse & Extract Portwell UEFI Unpacker
def portwell_efi_extract(input_buffer, output_path, padding=0):
efi_files = [] # Initialize EFI Payload file chunks
extract_path = os.path.join(f'{output_path}_extracted')
make_dirs(extract_path, delete=True)
pe_file,pe_data = get_portwell_pe(input_buffer)
efi_title = get_unpacker_tag(input_buffer, pe_file)
printer(efi_title, padding)
# Split EFI Payload into <UU> file chunks
efi_list = list(PAT_PORTWELL_EFI.finditer(pe_data))
for i,_ in enumerate(efi_list):
efi_bgn = efi_list[i].end()
efi_end = len(pe_data) if i == len(efi_list) - 1 else efi_list[i + 1].start()
parse_efi_files(extract_path, efi_files, padding)
# Get Portwell UEFI Unpacker tag
def get_unpacker_tag(input_buffer, pe_file):
unpacker_tag_txt = 'UEFI Unpacker'
for pe_section in pe_file.sections:
# Unpacker Tag, Version, Strings etc are found in .data PE section
if pe_section.Name.startswith(b'.data'):
pe_data_bgn = pe_section.PointerToRawData
pe_data_end = pe_data_bgn + pe_section.SizeOfRawData
# Decode any valid UTF-16 .data PE section info to a parsable text buffer
pe_data_txt = input_buffer[pe_data_bgn:pe_data_end].decode('utf-16','ignore')
# Search .data for UEFI Unpacker tag
unpacker_tag_bgn = pe_data_txt.find(unpacker_tag_txt)
if unpacker_tag_bgn != -1:
unpacker_tag_len = pe_data_txt[unpacker_tag_bgn:].find('=')
if unpacker_tag_len != -1:
unpacker_tag_end = unpacker_tag_bgn + unpacker_tag_len
unpacker_tag_raw = pe_data_txt[unpacker_tag_bgn:unpacker_tag_end]
# Found full UEFI Unpacker tag, store and slightly beautify the resulting text
unpacker_tag_txt = unpacker_tag_raw.strip().replace(' ',' ').replace('<',' <')
break # Found PE .data section, skip the rest
return unpacker_tag_txt
# Process Portwell UEFI Unpacker payload files
def parse_efi_files(extract_path, efi_files, padding):
for file_index,file_data in enumerate(efi_files):
if file_data in (b'', b'NULL'): continue # Skip empty/unused files
file_name = FILE_NAMES.get(file_index, f'Unknown_{file_index}.bin') # Assign Name to EFI file
printer(file_name, padding + 4) # Print EFI file name, indicate progress
if file_name.startswith('Unknown_'):
printer(f'Note: Detected new Portwell EFI file ID {file_index}!', padding + 8, pause=True) # Report new EFI files
file_path = os.path.join(extract_path, safe_name(file_name)) # Store EFI file output path
with open(file_path, 'wb') as out_file: out_file.write(file_data) # Store EFI file data to drive
# Attempt to detect EFI compression & decompress when applicable
if is_efi_compressed(file_data):
comp_fname = file_path + '.temp' # Store temporary compressed file name
os.replace(file_path, comp_fname) # Rename initial/compressed file
if efi_decompress(comp_fname, file_path, padding + 8) == 0:
os.remove(comp_fname) # Successful decompression, delete compressed file
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Set argparse Arguments
argparser = argparse_init()
arguments = argparser.parse_args()
# Initialize script (must be after argparse)
exit_code,input_files,output_path,padding = script_init(TITLE, arguments, 4)
for input_file in input_files:
input_name = os.path.basename(input_file)
printer(['***', input_name], padding - 4)
with open(input_file, 'rb') as in_file: input_buffer =
if not is_portwell_efi(input_buffer):
printer('Error: This is not a Portwell EFI Update Package!', padding)
continue # Next input file
extract_path = os.path.join(output_path, input_name)
portwell_efi_extract(input_buffer, extract_path, padding)
exit_code -= 1
printer('Done!', pause=True)