platomav 4749414f81 Insyde iFlash/iFdPacker Extractor v2.0_a8
Improved PFAT, UCP, PFS, TDK format check methods

Cleanup/improvements to all utilities
2022-07-06 17:54:17 +03:00

236 lines
8.2 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Panasonic BIOS Extract
Panasonic BIOS Package Extractor
Copyright (C) 2018-2022 Plato Mavropoulos
TITLE = 'Panasonic BIOS Package Extractor v2.0_a9'
import os
import io
import sys
import lznt1
import pefile
# Stop __pycache__ generation
sys.dont_write_bytecode = True
from common.comp_szip import is_szip_supported, szip_decompress
from common.path_ops import get_path_files, make_dirs, path_stem, safe_name
from common.pe_ops import get_pe_file, get_pe_info, is_pe_file, show_pe_info
from common.patterns import PAT_MICROSOFT_CAB
from common.system import argparse_init, printer, script_init
from common.text_ops import file_to_bytes
from AMI_PFAT_Extract import is_ami_pfat, parse_pfat_file
# Check if input is Panasonic BIOS Package PE
def is_panasonic_pkg(in_file):
in_buffer = file_to_bytes(in_file)
pe_file = get_pe_file(in_buffer, fast=True)
if not pe_file:
return False
pe_info = get_pe_info(pe_file)
if not pe_info:
return False
if pe_info.get(b'FileDescription',b'').upper() != b'UNPACK UTILITY':
return False
if not
return False
return True
# Search and Extract Panasonic BIOS Package PE CAB archive
def panasonic_cab_extract(buffer, extract_path, padding=0):
pe_path,pe_file,pe_info = [None] * 3
cab_bgn =
cab_len = int.from_bytes(buffer[cab_bgn + 0x8:cab_bgn + 0xC], 'little')
cab_end = cab_bgn + cab_len
cab_bin = buffer[cab_bgn:cab_end]
cab_tag = f'[0x{cab_bgn:06X}-0x{cab_end:06X}]'
cab_path = os.path.join(extract_path, f'CAB_{cab_tag}.cab')
with open(cab_path, 'wb') as cab_file:
cab_file.write(cab_bin) # Store CAB archive
if is_szip_supported(cab_path, padding, check=True):
printer(f'Panasonic BIOS Package > PE > CAB {cab_tag}', padding)
if szip_decompress(cab_path, extract_path, 'CAB', padding + 4, check=True) == 0:
os.remove(cab_path) # Successful extraction, delete CAB archive
return pe_path, pe_file, pe_info
return pe_path, pe_file, pe_info
for file_path in get_path_files(extract_path):
pe_file = get_pe_file(file_path, fast=True)
if pe_file:
pe_info = get_pe_info(pe_file)
if pe_info.get(b'FileDescription',b'').upper() == b'BIOS UPDATE':
pe_path = file_path
return pe_path, pe_file, pe_info
return pe_path, pe_file, pe_info
# Extract & Decompress Panasonic BIOS Update PE RCDATA (LZNT1)
def panasonic_res_extract(pe_name, pe_file, extract_path, padding=0):
is_rcdata = False
# When fast_load is used, IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE must be parsed prior to RCDATA Directories
# Parse all Resource Data Directories > RCDATA (ID = 10)
for entry in pe_file.DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE.entries:
if == 'IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY' and entry.struct.Id == 0xA:
is_rcdata = True
for resource in
res_bgn =[0].data.struct.OffsetToData
res_len =[0].data.struct.Size
res_end = res_bgn + res_len
res_bin = pe_file.get_data(res_bgn, res_len)
res_tag = f'{pe_name} [0x{res_bgn:06X}-0x{res_end:06X}]'
res_out = os.path.join(extract_path, f'{res_tag}')
printer(res_tag, padding + 4)
res_raw = lznt1.decompress(res_bin[0x8:])
printer('Succesfull LZNT1 decompression via lznt1!', padding + 8)
res_raw = res_bin
printer('Succesfull PE Resource extraction!', padding + 8)
# Detect & Unpack AMI BIOS Guard (PFAT) BIOS image
if is_ami_pfat(res_raw):
pfat_dir = os.path.join(extract_path, res_tag)
parse_pfat_file(res_raw, pfat_dir, padding + 12)
if is_pe_file(res_raw):
res_ext = 'exe'
elif res_raw.startswith(b'[') and res_raw.endswith((b'\x0D\x0A',b'\x0A')):
res_ext = 'txt'
res_ext = 'bin'
if res_ext == 'txt':
for line in io.BytesIO(res_raw).readlines():
line_text = line.decode('utf-8','ignore').rstrip()
printer(line_text, padding + 12, new_line=False)
with open(f'{res_out}.{res_ext}', 'wb') as out_file:
return is_rcdata
# Extract Panasonic BIOS Update PE Data when RCDATA is not available
def panasonic_img_extract(pe_name, pe_path, pe_file, extract_path, padding=0):
pe_data = file_to_bytes(pe_path)
img_bgn = pe_file.OPTIONAL_HEADER.BaseOfData + pe_file.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SizeOfInitializedData
img_end = sec_bgn or len(pe_data)
img_bin = pe_data[img_bgn:img_end]
img_tag = f'{pe_name} [0x{img_bgn:X}-0x{img_end:X}]'
img_out = os.path.join(extract_path, f'{img_tag}.bin')
printer(img_tag, padding + 4)
with open(img_out, 'wb') as out_img:
printer('Succesfull PE Data extraction!', padding + 8)
return bool(img_bin)
# Parse & Extract Panasonic BIOS Package PE
def panasonic_pkg_extract(input_path, input_buffer, output_path, padding=0):
is_upd_res,is_upd_img = [False] * 2
extract_path = os.path.join(f'{output_path}_extracted')
make_dirs(extract_path, delete=True)
pkg_pe_file = get_pe_file(input_buffer, fast=True)
if not pkg_pe_file:
return 2
pkg_pe_info = get_pe_info(pkg_pe_file)
if not pkg_pe_info:
return 3
pkg_pe_name = path_stem(input_path)
printer(f'Panasonic BIOS Package > PE ({pkg_pe_name})\n', padding)
show_pe_info(pkg_pe_info, padding + 4)
upd_pe_path,upd_pe_file,upd_pe_info = panasonic_cab_extract(input_buffer, extract_path, padding + 4)
if not (upd_pe_path and upd_pe_file and upd_pe_info):
return 4
upd_pe_name = safe_name(path_stem(upd_pe_path))
printer(f'Panasonic BIOS Update > PE ({upd_pe_name})\n', padding + 12)
show_pe_info(upd_pe_info, padding + 16)
is_upd_res = panasonic_res_extract(upd_pe_name, upd_pe_file, extract_path, padding + 16)
if not is_upd_res:
is_upd_img = panasonic_img_extract(upd_pe_name, upd_pe_path, upd_pe_file, extract_path, padding + 16)
return 0 if is_upd_res or is_upd_img else 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Set argparse Arguments
argparser = argparse_init()
arguments = argparser.parse_args()
# Initialize script (must be after argparse)
exit_code,input_files,output_path,padding = script_init(TITLE, arguments, 4)
for input_file in input_files:
input_name = os.path.basename(input_file)
printer(['***', input_name], padding - 4)
with open(input_file, 'rb') as in_file:
input_buffer =
# Check if Panasonic BIOS Package pattern was found on executable
if not is_panasonic_pkg(input_buffer):
printer('Error: This is not a Panasonic BIOS Package executable!', padding)
continue # Next input file
extract_path = os.path.join(output_path, input_name)
if panasonic_pkg_extract(input_file, input_buffer, extract_path, padding) == 0:
exit_code -= 1
printer('Done!', pause=True)