Plato Mavropoulos d85a7f82dc Added AMI PFAT RSA 3K signed blocks support
Added AMI PFAT nested detection at each file

Added Award BIOS payload naming at each file

Switched Panasonic BIOS LZNT1 external library

Improved Panasonic LZNT1 detection and length

Improved Dell PFS code structure and fixed bugs

Improved code exception handling (raise, catch)

Improved code definitions (PEP8, docs, types)

Fixed some arguments missing from help screens
2024-04-24 01:22:53 +03:00

276 lines
9 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3 -B
# coding=utf-8
Phoenix TDK Extract
Phoenix TDK Packer Extractor
Copyright (C) 2021-2024 Plato Mavropoulos
import ctypes
import logging
import lzma
import os
from common.path_ops import make_dirs, safe_name
from common.pe_ops import get_pe_file, get_pe_info
from common.struct_ops import Char, get_struct, UInt32
from common.system import printer
from common.templates import BIOSUtility
from common.text_ops import file_to_bytes
TITLE = 'Phoenix TDK Packer Extractor v3.0'
class PhoenixTdkHeader(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure):
""" Phoenix TDK Header """
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
('Tag', Char * 8), # 0x00
('Size', UInt32), # 0x08
('Count', UInt32), # 0x0C
# 0x10
def _get_tag(self):
return self.Tag.decode('utf-8', 'ignore').strip()
def struct_print(self, padd):
""" Display structure information """
printer(['Tag :', self._get_tag()], padd, False)
printer(['Size :', f'0x{self.Size:X}'], padd, False)
printer(['Entries:', self.Count], padd, False)
class PhoenixTdkEntry(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure):
""" Phoenix TDK Entry """
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
('Name', Char * 256), # 0x000
('Offset', UInt32), # 0x100
('Size', UInt32), # 0x104
('Compressed', UInt32), # 0x108
('Reserved', UInt32), # 0x10C
# 0x110
COMP = {0: 'None', 1: 'LZMA'}
def __init__(self, mz_base, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.mz_base = mz_base
def get_name(self):
""" Get TDK Entry decoded name """
return self.Name.decode('utf-8', 'replace').strip()
def get_offset(self):
""" Get TDK Entry absolute offset """
return self.mz_base + self.Offset
def get_compression(self):
""" Get TDK Entry compression type """
return self.COMP.get(self.Compressed, f'Unknown ({self.Compressed})')
def struct_print(self, padd):
""" Display structure information """
printer(['Name :', self.get_name()], padd, False)
printer(['Offset :', f'0x{self.get_offset():X}'], padd, False)
printer(['Size :', f'0x{self.Size:X}'], padd, False)
printer(['Compression:', self.get_compression()], padd, False)
printer(['Reserved :', f'0x{self.Reserved:X}'], padd, False)
def get_tdk_base(in_buffer, pack_off):
""" Get Phoenix TDK Executable (MZ) Base Offset """
tdk_base_off = None # Initialize Phoenix TDK Base MZ Offset
# Scan input file for all Microsoft executable patterns (MZ) before TDK Header Offset
mz_all = [mz for mz in PAT_MICROSOFT_MZ.finditer(in_buffer) if mz.start() < pack_off]
# Phoenix TDK Header structure is an index table for all TDK files
# Each TDK file is referenced from the TDK Packer executable base
# The TDK Header is always at the end of the TDK Packer executable
# Thus, prefer the TDK Packer executable (MZ) closest to TDK Header
# For speed, check MZ closest to (or at) 0x0 first (expected input)
mz_ord = [mz_all[0]] + list(reversed(mz_all[1:]))
# Parse each detected MZ
for mz_match in mz_ord:
mz_off = mz_match.start()
# MZ (DOS) > PE (NT) image Offset is found at offset 0x3C-0x40 relative to MZ base
pe_off = mz_off + int.from_bytes(in_buffer[mz_off + 0x3C:mz_off + 0x40], 'little')
# Skip MZ (DOS) with bad PE (NT) image Offset
if pe_off == mz_off or pe_off >= pack_off:
# Check if potential MZ > PE image magic value is valid
if[pe_off:pe_off + 0x4]):
# Parse detected MZ > PE > Image, quickly (fast_load)
pe_file = get_pe_file(in_buffer[mz_off:], silent=True)
# Parse detected MZ > PE > Info
pe_info = get_pe_info(pe_file, silent=True)
# Parse detected MZ > PE > Info > Product Name
pe_name = pe_info.get(b'ProductName', b'')
except Exception as error: # pylint: disable=broad-except
# Any error means no MZ > PE > Info > Product Name
logging.debug('Error: Invalid potential MZ > PE match at 0x%X: %s', pe_off, error)
pe_name = b''
# Check for valid Phoenix TDK Packer PE > Product Name
# Expected value is "TDK Packer (Extractor for Windows)"
if pe_name.upper().startswith(b'TDK PACKER'):
# Set TDK Base Offset to valid TDK Packer MZ offset
tdk_base_off = mz_off
# Stop parsing detected MZ once TDK Base Offset is found
if tdk_base_off is not None:
# No TDK Base Offset could be found, assume 0x0
tdk_base_off = 0x0
return tdk_base_off
def get_phoenix_tdk(in_buffer):
""" Scan input buffer for valid Phoenix TDK image """
# Scan input buffer for Phoenix TDK pattern
tdk_match =
if not tdk_match:
return None, None
# Set Phoenix TDK Header ($PACK) Offset
tdk_pack_off = tdk_match.start()
# Get Phoenix TDK Executable (MZ) Base Offset
tdk_base_off = get_tdk_base(in_buffer, tdk_pack_off)
return tdk_base_off, tdk_pack_off
def is_phoenix_tdk(in_file):
""" Check if input contains valid Phoenix TDK image """
buffer = file_to_bytes(in_file)
return bool(get_phoenix_tdk(buffer)[1] is not None)
def phoenix_tdk_extract(input_file, extract_path, padding=0):
""" Parse & Extract Phoenix Tools Development Kit (TDK) Packer """
exit_code = 0
input_buffer = file_to_bytes(input_file)
make_dirs(extract_path, delete=True)
printer('Phoenix Tools Development Kit Packer', padding)
base_off, pack_off = get_phoenix_tdk(input_buffer)
# Parse TDK Header structure
tdk_hdr = get_struct(input_buffer, pack_off, PhoenixTdkHeader)
# Print TDK Header structure info
printer('Phoenix TDK Header:\n', padding + 4)
tdk_hdr.struct_print(padding + 8)
# Check if reported TDK Header Size matches manual TDK Entry Count calculation
if tdk_hdr.Size != TDK_HDR_LEN + TDK_DUMMY_LEN + tdk_hdr.Count * TDK_MOD_LEN:
printer('Error: Phoenix TDK Header Size & Entry Count mismatch!\n', padding + 8, pause=True)
exit_code = 1
# Store TDK Entries offset after the placeholder data
entries_off = pack_off + TDK_HDR_LEN + TDK_DUMMY_LEN
# Parse and extract each TDK Header Entry
for entry_index in range(tdk_hdr.Count):
# Parse TDK Entry structure
tdk_mod = get_struct(input_buffer, entries_off + entry_index * TDK_MOD_LEN, PhoenixTdkEntry, [base_off])
# Print TDK Entry structure info
printer(f'Phoenix TDK Entry ({entry_index + 1}/{tdk_hdr.Count}):\n', padding + 8)
tdk_mod.struct_print(padding + 12)
# Get TDK Entry raw data Offset (TDK Base + Entry Offset)
mod_off = tdk_mod.get_offset()
# Check if TDK Entry raw data Offset is valid
if mod_off >= len(input_buffer):
printer('Error: Phoenix TDK Entry > Offset is out of bounds!\n', padding + 12, pause=True)
exit_code = 2
# Store TDK Entry raw data (relative to TDK Base, not TDK Header)
mod_data = input_buffer[mod_off:mod_off + tdk_mod.Size]
# Check if TDK Entry raw data is complete
if len(mod_data) != tdk_mod.Size:
printer('Error: Phoenix TDK Entry > Data is truncated!\n', padding + 12, pause=True)
exit_code = 3
# Check if TDK Entry Reserved is present
if tdk_mod.Reserved:
printer('Error: Phoenix TDK Entry > Reserved is not empty!\n', padding + 12, pause=True)
exit_code = 4
# Decompress TDK Entry raw data, when applicable (i.e. LZMA)
if tdk_mod.get_compression() == 'LZMA':
mod_data = lzma.LZMADecompressor().decompress(mod_data)
except Exception as error: # pylint: disable=broad-except
printer(f'Error: Phoenix TDK Entry > LZMA decompression failed: {error}!\n', padding + 12, pause=True)
exit_code = 5
# Generate TDK Entry file name, avoid crash if Entry data is bad
mod_name = tdk_mod.get_name() or f'Unknown_{entry_index + 1:02d}.bin'
# Generate TDK Entry file data output path
mod_file = os.path.join(extract_path, safe_name(mod_name))
# Account for potential duplicate file names
if os.path.isfile(mod_file):
mod_file += f'_{entry_index + 1:02d}'
# Save TDK Entry data to output file
with open(mod_file, 'wb') as out_file:
return exit_code
# Get ctypes Structure Sizes
TDK_HDR_LEN = ctypes.sizeof(PhoenixTdkHeader)
TDK_MOD_LEN = ctypes.sizeof(PhoenixTdkEntry)
# Set placeholder TDK Entries Size
if __name__ == '__main__':
BIOSUtility(title=TITLE, check=is_phoenix_tdk, main=phoenix_tdk_extract).run_utility()