Plato Mavropoulos d85a7f82dc Added AMI PFAT RSA 3K signed blocks support
Added AMI PFAT nested detection at each file

Added Award BIOS payload naming at each file

Switched Panasonic BIOS LZNT1 external library

Improved Panasonic LZNT1 detection and length

Improved Dell PFS code structure and fixed bugs

Improved code exception handling (raise, catch)

Improved code definitions (PEP8, docs, types)

Fixed some arguments missing from help screens
2024-04-24 01:22:53 +03:00

177 lines
6.4 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3 -B
# coding=utf-8
Apple EFI Package Extractor
Copyright (C) 2019-2024 Plato Mavropoulos
import os
from common.comp_szip import is_szip_supported, szip_decompress
from common.path_ops import copy_file, del_dirs, get_extract_path, get_path_files, make_dirs, path_name, path_parent
from common.patterns import PAT_APPLE_PKG
from common.system import printer
from common.templates import BIOSUtility
from common.text_ops import file_to_bytes
from Apple_EFI_ID import apple_efi_identify, is_apple_efi
from Apple_EFI_IM4P import apple_im4p_split, is_apple_im4p
from Apple_EFI_PBZX import apple_pbzx_extract, is_apple_pbzx
TITLE = 'Apple EFI Package Extractor v3.0'
def is_apple_pkg(input_file):
""" Check if input is Apple EFI PKG package """
input_buffer = file_to_bytes(input_file)
return bool([:0x4]))
def efi_split_rename(in_file, out_path, padding=0):
""" Split Apple EFI image (if applicable) and Rename """
exit_codes = []
working_dir = get_extract_path(in_file)
if is_apple_im4p(in_file):
printer(f'Splitting IM4P via {is_apple_im4p.__module__}...', padding)
im4p_exit = apple_im4p_split(in_file, working_dir, padding + 4)
make_dirs(working_dir, delete=True)
copy_file(in_file, working_dir, True)
for efi_file in get_path_files(working_dir):
if is_apple_efi(efi_file):
printer(f'Renaming EFI via {is_apple_efi.__module__}...', padding)
name_exit = apple_efi_identify(efi_file, efi_file, padding + 4, True)
for named_file in get_path_files(working_dir):
copy_file(named_file, out_path, True)
return sum(exit_codes)
def apple_pkg_extract(input_file, extract_path, padding=0):
""" Parse & Extract Apple EFI PKG packages """
if not os.path.isfile(input_file):
printer('Error: Could not find input file path!', padding)
return 1
make_dirs(extract_path, delete=True)
xar_path = os.path.join(extract_path, 'xar')
# Decompress PKG > XAR archive with 7-Zip
if is_szip_supported(input_file, padding, args=['-tXAR'], check=True):
if szip_decompress(input_file, xar_path, 'XAR', padding, args=['-tXAR'], check=True) != 0:
return 3
return 2
for xar_file in get_path_files(xar_path):
if path_name(xar_file) == 'Payload':
pbzx_module = is_apple_pbzx.__module__
if is_apple_pbzx(xar_file):
printer(f'Extracting PBZX via {pbzx_module}...', padding + 4)
pbzx_path = get_extract_path(xar_file)
if apple_pbzx_extract(xar_file, pbzx_path, padding + 8) == 0:
printer(f'Succesfull PBZX extraction via {pbzx_module}!', padding + 4)
for pbzx_file in get_path_files(pbzx_path):
if path_name(pbzx_file) == '':
if is_szip_supported(pbzx_file, padding + 8, args=['-tZIP'], check=True):
zip_path = get_extract_path(pbzx_file)
if szip_decompress(pbzx_file, zip_path, 'ZIP', padding + 8, args=['-tZIP'],
check=True) == 0:
for zip_file in get_path_files(zip_path):
if path_name(path_parent(zip_file)) == 'MacEFI':
printer(path_name(zip_file), padding + 12)
if efi_split_rename(zip_file, extract_path, padding + 16) != 0:
printer(f'Error: Could not split and rename {path_name(zip_file)}!',
return 10
return 9
return 8
break # ZIP found, stop
printer('Error: Could not find "" file!', padding)
return 7
printer(f'Error: Failed to extract PBZX file via {pbzx_module}!', padding)
return 6
printer(f'Error: Failed to detect file as PBZX via {pbzx_module}!', padding)
return 5
break # Payload found, stop searching
if path_name(xar_file) == 'Scripts':
if is_szip_supported(xar_file, padding + 4, args=['-tGZIP'], check=True):
gzip_path = get_extract_path(xar_file)
if szip_decompress(xar_file, gzip_path, 'GZIP', padding + 4, args=['-tGZIP'], check=True) == 0:
for gzip_file in get_path_files(gzip_path):
if is_szip_supported(gzip_file, padding + 8, args=['-tCPIO'], check=True):
cpio_path = get_extract_path(gzip_file)
if szip_decompress(gzip_file, cpio_path, 'CPIO', padding + 8, args=['-tCPIO'],
check=True) == 0:
for cpio_file in get_path_files(cpio_path):
if path_name(path_parent(cpio_file)) == 'EFIPayloads':
printer(path_name(cpio_file), padding + 12)
if efi_split_rename(cpio_file, extract_path, padding + 16) != 0:
printer(f'Error: Could not split and rename {path_name(cpio_file)}!',
return 15
return 14
return 13
return 12
return 11
break # Scripts found, stop searching
printer('Error: Could not find "Payload" or "Scripts" file!', padding)
return 4
del_dirs(xar_path) # Delete temporary/working XAR folder
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
BIOSUtility(title=TITLE, check=is_apple_pkg, main=apple_pkg_extract).run_utility()