Plato Mavropoulos d85a7f82dc Added AMI PFAT RSA 3K signed blocks support
Added AMI PFAT nested detection at each file

Added Award BIOS payload naming at each file

Switched Panasonic BIOS LZNT1 external library

Improved Panasonic LZNT1 detection and length

Improved Dell PFS code structure and fixed bugs

Improved code exception handling (raise, catch)

Improved code definitions (PEP8, docs, types)

Fixed some arguments missing from help screens
2024-04-24 01:22:53 +03:00

570 lines
22 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3 -B
# coding=utf-8
AMI UCP Extract
AMI UCP Update Extractor
Copyright (C) 2021-2024 Plato Mavropoulos
import contextlib
import ctypes
import os
import re
import struct
from common.checksums import get_chk_16
from common.comp_efi import efi_decompress, is_efi_compressed
from common.path_ops import agnostic_path, get_extract_path, make_dirs, safe_name, safe_path
from common.patterns import PAT_AMI_UCP, PAT_INTEL_ENG
from common.struct_ops import Char, get_struct, UInt8, UInt16, UInt32
from common.system import printer
from common.templates import BIOSUtility
from common.text_ops import file_to_bytes, to_string
from AMI_PFAT_Extract import is_ami_pfat, parse_pfat_file
from Insyde_IFD_Extract import insyde_ifd_extract, is_insyde_ifd
TITLE = 'AMI UCP Update Extractor v3.0'
class UafHeader(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure):
""" UAF Header """
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
('ModuleTag', Char * 4), # 0x00
('ModuleSize', UInt32), # 0x04
('Checksum', UInt16), # 0x08
('Unknown0', UInt8), # 0x0A
('Unknown1', UInt8), # 0x0A
('Reserved', UInt8 * 4), # 0x0C
# 0x10
def _get_reserved(self):
res_bytes = bytes(self.Reserved)
res_hex = f'0x{int.from_bytes(res_bytes, "big"):0{0x4 * 2}X}'
res_str = re.sub(r'[\n\t\r\x00 ]', '', res_bytes.decode('utf-8', 'ignore'))
res_txt = f' ({res_str})' if len(res_str) else ''
return f'{res_hex}{res_txt}'
def struct_print(self, padd):
""" Display structure information """
printer(['Tag :', self.ModuleTag.decode('utf-8')], padd, False)
printer(['Size :', f'0x{self.ModuleSize:X}'], padd, False)
printer(['Checksum :', f'0x{self.Checksum:04X}'], padd, False)
printer(['Unknown 0 :', f'0x{self.Unknown0:02X}'], padd, False)
printer(['Unknown 1 :', f'0x{self.Unknown1:02X}'], padd, False)
printer(['Reserved :', self._get_reserved()], padd, False)
class UafModule(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure):
""" UAF Module """
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
('CompressSize', UInt32), # 0x00
('OriginalSize', UInt32), # 0x04
# 0x08
def struct_print(self, padd, filename, description):
""" Display structure information """
printer(['Compress Size:', f'0x{self.CompressSize:X}'], padd, False)
printer(['Original Size:', f'0x{self.OriginalSize:X}'], padd, False)
printer(['Filename :', filename], padd, False)
printer(['Description :', description], padd, False)
class UiiHeader(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure):
""" UII Header """
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
('UIISize', UInt16), # 0x00
('Checksum', UInt16), # 0x02
('UtilityVersion', UInt32), # 0x04 AFU|BGT (Unknown, Signed)
('InfoSize', UInt16), # 0x08
('SupportBIOS', UInt8), # 0x0A
('SupportOS', UInt8), # 0x0B
('DataBusWidth', UInt8), # 0x0C
('ProgramType', UInt8), # 0x0D
('ProgramMode', UInt8), # 0x0E
('SourceSafeRel', UInt8), # 0x0F
# 0x10
SBI = {1: 'ALL', 2: 'AMIBIOS8', 3: 'UEFI', 4: 'AMIBIOS8/UEFI'}
SOS = {1: 'DOS', 2: 'EFI', 3: 'Windows', 4: 'Linux', 5: 'FreeBSD', 6: 'MacOS', 128: 'Multi-Platform'}
DBW = {1: '16b', 2: '16/32b', 3: '32b', 4: '64b'}
PTP = {1: 'Executable', 2: 'Library', 3: 'Driver'}
PMD = {1: 'API', 2: 'Console', 3: 'GUI', 4: 'Console/GUI'}
def struct_print(self, padd, description):
""" Display structure information """
support_bios = self.SBI.get(self.SupportBIOS, f'Unknown ({self.SupportBIOS})')
support_os = self.SOS.get(self.SupportOS, f'Unknown ({self.SupportOS})')
data_bus_width = self.DBW.get(self.DataBusWidth, f'Unknown ({self.DataBusWidth})')
program_type = self.PTP.get(self.ProgramType, f'Unknown ({self.ProgramType})')
program_mode = self.PMD.get(self.ProgramMode, f'Unknown ({self.ProgramMode})')
printer(['UII Size :', f'0x{self.UIISize:X}'], padd, False)
printer(['Checksum :', f'0x{self.Checksum:04X}'], padd, False)
printer(['Tool Version :', f'0x{self.UtilityVersion:08X}'], padd, False)
printer(['Info Size :', f'0x{self.InfoSize:X}'], padd, False)
printer(['Supported BIOS:', support_bios], padd, False)
printer(['Supported OS :', support_os], padd, False)
printer(['Data Bus Width:', data_bus_width], padd, False)
printer(['Program Type :', program_type], padd, False)
printer(['Program Mode :', program_mode], padd, False)
printer(['SourceSafe Tag:', f'{self.SourceSafeRel:02d}'], padd, False)
printer(['Description :', description], padd, False)
class DisHeader(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure):
""" DIS Header """
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
('PasswordSize', UInt16), # 0x00
('EntryCount', UInt16), # 0x02
('Password', Char * 12), # 0x04
# 0x10
def struct_print(self, padd):
""" Display structure information """
printer(['Password Size:', f'0x{self.PasswordSize:X}'], padd, False)
printer(['Entry Count :', self.EntryCount], padd, False)
printer(['Password :', self.Password.decode('utf-8')], padd, False)
class DisModule(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure):
""" DIS Module """
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
('EnabledDisabled', UInt8), # 0x00
('ShownHidden', UInt8), # 0x01
('Command', Char * 32), # 0x02
('Description', Char * 256), # 0x22
# 0x122
ENDIS = {0: 'Disabled', 1: 'Enabled'}
SHOWN = {0: 'Hidden', 1: 'Shown', 2: 'Shown Only'}
def struct_print(self, padd):
""" Display structure information """
enabled_disabled = self.ENDIS.get(self.EnabledDisabled, f'Unknown ({self.EnabledDisabled})')
shown_hidden = self.SHOWN.get(self.ShownHidden, f'Unknown ({self.ShownHidden})')
printer(['State :', enabled_disabled], padd, False)
printer(['Display :', shown_hidden], padd, False)
printer(['Command :', self.Command.decode('utf-8').strip()], padd, False)
printer(['Description:', self.Description.decode('utf-8').strip()], padd, False)
def chk16_validate(data, tag, padd=0):
""" Validate UCP Module Checksum-16 """
if get_chk_16(data) != 0:
printer(f'Error: Invalid UCP Module {tag} Checksum!', padd, pause=True)
printer(f'Checksum of UCP Module {tag} is valid!', padd)
def is_ami_ucp(in_file):
""" Check if input is AMI UCP image """
buffer = file_to_bytes(in_file)
return bool(get_ami_ucp(buffer)[0] is not None)
def get_ami_ucp(in_file):
""" Get all input file AMI UCP patterns """
buffer = file_to_bytes(in_file)
uaf_len_max = 0x0 # Length of largest detected @UAF|@HPU
uaf_buf_bin = None # Buffer of largest detected @UAF|@HPU
uaf_buf_tag = '@UAF' # Tag of largest detected @UAF|@HPU
for uaf in PAT_AMI_UCP.finditer(buffer):
uaf_len_cur = int.from_bytes(buffer[uaf.start() + 0x4:uaf.start() + 0x8], 'little')
if uaf_len_cur > uaf_len_max:
uaf_len_max = uaf_len_cur
uaf_hdr_off = uaf.start()
uaf_buf_bin = buffer[uaf_hdr_off:uaf_hdr_off + uaf_len_max]
uaf_buf_tag =[:4].decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
return uaf_buf_bin, uaf_buf_tag
def get_uaf_mod(buffer, uaf_off=0x0):
""" Get list of @UAF|@HPU Modules """
uaf_all = [] # Initialize list of all @UAF|@HPU Modules
while buffer[uaf_off] == 0x40: # ASCII of @ is 0x40
uaf_hdr = get_struct(buffer, uaf_off, UafHeader) # Parse @UAF|@HPU Module Structure
uaf_tag = uaf_hdr.ModuleTag.decode('utf-8') # Get unique @UAF|@HPU Module Tag
uaf_all.append([uaf_tag, uaf_off, uaf_hdr]) # Store @UAF|@HPU Module Info
uaf_off += uaf_hdr.ModuleSize # Adjust to next @UAF|@HPU Module offset
if uaf_off >= len(buffer):
break # Stop parsing at EOF
# Check if @UAF|@HPU Module @NAL exists and place it first
# Parsing @NAL first allows naming all @UAF|@HPU Modules
for mod_idx, mod_val in enumerate(uaf_all):
if mod_val[0] == '@NAL':
uaf_all.insert(1, uaf_all.pop(mod_idx)) # After UII for visual purposes
break # @NAL found, skip the rest
return uaf_all
def ucp_extract(in_file, extract_path, padding=0, checksum=False):
""" Parse & Extract AMI UCP structures """
input_buffer = file_to_bytes(in_file)
nal_dict = {} # Initialize @NAL Dictionary per UCP
printer('Utility Configuration Program', padding)
make_dirs(extract_path, delete=True)
# Get best AMI UCP Pattern match based on @UAF|@HPU Size
ucp_buffer, ucp_tag = get_ami_ucp(input_buffer)
uaf_hdr = get_struct(ucp_buffer, 0, UafHeader) # Parse @UAF|@HPU Header Structure
printer(f'Utility Auxiliary File > {ucp_tag}:\n', padding + 4)
uaf_hdr.struct_print(padding + 8)
fake = struct.pack('<II', len(ucp_buffer), len(ucp_buffer)) # Generate UafModule Structure
uaf_mod = get_struct(fake, 0x0, UafModule) # Parse @UAF|@HPU Module EFI Structure
uaf_name = UAF_TAG_DICT[ucp_tag][0] # Get @UAF|@HPU Module Filename
uaf_desc = UAF_TAG_DICT[ucp_tag][1] # Get @UAF|@HPU Module Description
uaf_mod.struct_print(padding + 8, uaf_name, uaf_desc) # Print @UAF|@HPU Module EFI Info
if checksum:
chk16_validate(ucp_buffer, ucp_tag, padding + 8)
uaf_all = get_uaf_mod(ucp_buffer, UAF_HDR_LEN)
for mod_info in uaf_all:
nal_dict = uaf_extract(ucp_buffer, extract_path, mod_info, padding + 8, checksum, nal_dict)
def uaf_extract(buffer, extract_path, mod_info, padding=0, checksum=False, nal_dict=None):
""" Parse & Extract AMI UCP > @UAF|@HPU Module/Section """
if nal_dict is None:
nal_dict = {}
uaf_tag, uaf_off, uaf_hdr = mod_info
uaf_data_all = buffer[uaf_off:uaf_off + uaf_hdr.ModuleSize] # @UAF|@HPU Module Entire Data
uaf_data_mod = uaf_data_all[UAF_HDR_LEN:] # @UAF|@HPU Module EFI Data
uaf_data_raw = uaf_data_mod[UAF_MOD_LEN:] # @UAF|@HPU Module Raw Data
printer(f'Utility Auxiliary File > {uaf_tag}:\n', padding)
uaf_hdr.struct_print(padding + 4) # Print @UAF|@HPU Module Info
uaf_mod = get_struct(buffer, uaf_off + UAF_HDR_LEN, UafModule) # Parse UAF Module EFI Structure
is_comp = uaf_mod.CompressSize != uaf_mod.OriginalSize # Detect @UAF|@HPU Module EFI Compression
if uaf_tag in nal_dict:
uaf_name = nal_dict[uaf_tag][1] # Always prefer @NAL naming first
elif uaf_tag in UAF_TAG_DICT:
uaf_name = UAF_TAG_DICT[uaf_tag][0] # Otherwise use built-in naming
elif uaf_tag == '@ROM':
uaf_name = 'BIOS.bin' # BIOS/PFAT Firmware (w/o Signature)
elif uaf_tag.startswith('@R0'):
uaf_name = f'BIOS_0{uaf_tag[3:]}.bin' # BIOS/PFAT Firmware
elif uaf_tag.startswith('@S0'):
uaf_name = f'BIOS_0{uaf_tag[3:]}.sig' # BIOS/PFAT Signature
elif uaf_tag.startswith('@DR'):
uaf_name = f'DROM_0{uaf_tag[3:]}.bin' # Thunderbolt Retimer Firmware
elif uaf_tag.startswith('@DS'):
uaf_name = f'DROM_0{uaf_tag[3:]}.sig' # Thunderbolt Retimer Signature
elif uaf_tag.startswith('@EC'):
uaf_name = f'EC_0{uaf_tag[3:]}.bin' # Embedded Controller Firmware
elif uaf_tag.startswith('@ME'):
uaf_name = f'ME_0{uaf_tag[3:]}.bin' # Management Engine Firmware
uaf_name = uaf_tag # Could not name the @UAF|@HPU Module, use Tag instead
uaf_fext = '' if uaf_name != uaf_tag else '.bin'
uaf_fdesc = UAF_TAG_DICT[uaf_tag][1] if uaf_tag in UAF_TAG_DICT else uaf_name
uaf_mod.struct_print(padding + 4, uaf_name + uaf_fext, uaf_fdesc) # Print @UAF|@HPU Module EFI Info
# Check if unknown @UAF|@HPU Module Tag is present in @NAL but not in built-in dictionary
if uaf_tag in nal_dict and uaf_tag not in UAF_TAG_DICT and \
not uaf_tag.startswith(('@ROM', '@R0', '@S0', '@DR', '@DS')):
printer(f'Note: Detected new AMI UCP Module {uaf_tag} ({nal_dict[uaf_tag][1]}) in @NAL!',
padding + 4, pause=True)
# Generate @UAF|@HPU Module File name, depending on whether decompression will be required
uaf_sname = safe_name(uaf_name + ('.temp' if is_comp else uaf_fext))
if uaf_tag in nal_dict:
uaf_npath = safe_path(extract_path, nal_dict[uaf_tag][0])
make_dirs(uaf_npath, exist_ok=True)
uaf_fname = safe_path(uaf_npath, uaf_sname)
uaf_fname = safe_path(extract_path, uaf_sname)
if checksum:
chk16_validate(uaf_data_all, uaf_tag, padding + 4)
# Parse Utility Identification Information @UAF|@HPU Module (@UII)
if uaf_tag == '@UII':
info_hdr = get_struct(uaf_data_raw, 0, UiiHeader) # Parse @UII Module Raw Structure
info_data = uaf_data_raw[max(UII_HDR_LEN, info_hdr.InfoSize):info_hdr.UIISize] # @UII Module Info Data
# Get @UII Module Info/Description text field
info_desc = info_data.decode('utf-8', 'ignore').strip('\x00 ')
printer('Utility Identification Information:\n', padding + 4)
info_hdr.struct_print(padding + 8, info_desc) # Print @UII Module Info
if checksum:
chk16_validate(uaf_data_raw, '@UII > Info', padding + 8)
# Store/Save @UII Module Info in file
with open(uaf_fname[:-4] + '.txt', 'a', encoding='utf-8') as uii_out:
with contextlib.redirect_stdout(uii_out):
info_hdr.struct_print(0, info_desc) # Store @UII Module Info
# Adjust @UAF|@HPU Module Raw Data for extraction
if is_comp:
# Some Compressed @UAF|@HPU Module EFI data lack necessary EOF padding
if uaf_mod.CompressSize > len(uaf_data_raw):
comp_padd = b'\x00' * (uaf_mod.CompressSize - len(uaf_data_raw))
# Add missing padding for decompression
uaf_data_raw = uaf_data_mod[:UAF_MOD_LEN] + uaf_data_raw + comp_padd
# Add the EFI/Tiano Compression info before Raw Data
uaf_data_raw = uaf_data_mod[:UAF_MOD_LEN] + uaf_data_raw
# No compression, extend to end of Original @UAF|@HPU Module size
uaf_data_raw = uaf_data_raw[:uaf_mod.OriginalSize]
# Store/Save @UAF|@HPU Module file
if uaf_tag != '@UII': # Skip @UII binary, already parsed
with open(uaf_fname, 'wb') as uaf_out:
# @UAF|@HPU Module EFI/Tiano Decompression
if is_comp and is_efi_compressed(uaf_data_raw, False):
dec_fname = uaf_fname.replace('.temp', uaf_fext) # Decompressed @UAF|@HPU Module file path
if efi_decompress(uaf_fname, dec_fname, padding + 4) == 0:
with open(dec_fname, 'rb') as dec:
uaf_data_raw = # Read back the @UAF|@HPU Module decompressed Raw data
os.remove(uaf_fname) # Successful decompression, delete compressed @UAF|@HPU Module file
uaf_fname = dec_fname # Adjust @UAF|@HPU Module file path to the decompressed one
# Process and Print known text only @UAF|@HPU Modules (after EFI/Tiano Decompression)
if uaf_tag in UAF_TAG_DICT and UAF_TAG_DICT[uaf_tag][2] == 'Text':
printer(f'{UAF_TAG_DICT[uaf_tag][1]}:', padding + 4)
printer(uaf_data_raw.decode('utf-8', 'ignore'), padding + 8)
# Parse Default Command Status @UAF|@HPU Module (@DIS)
if len(uaf_data_raw) and uaf_tag == '@DIS':
dis_hdr = get_struct(uaf_data_raw, 0x0, DisHeader) # Parse @DIS Module Raw Header Structure
printer('Default Command Status Header:\n', padding + 4)
dis_hdr.struct_print(padding + 8) # Print @DIS Module Raw Header Info
# Store/Save @DIS Module Header Info in file
with open(uaf_fname[:-3] + 'txt', 'a', encoding='utf-8') as dis:
with contextlib.redirect_stdout(dis):
dis_hdr.struct_print(0) # Store @DIS Module Header Info
dis_data = uaf_data_raw[DIS_HDR_LEN:] # @DIS Module Entries Data
# Parse all @DIS Module Entries
for mod_idx in range(dis_hdr.EntryCount):
dis_mod = get_struct(dis_data, mod_idx * DIS_MOD_LEN, DisModule) # Parse @DIS Module Raw Entry Structure
printer(f'Default Command Status Entry {mod_idx + 1:02d}/{dis_hdr.EntryCount:02d}:\n', padding + 8)
dis_mod.struct_print(padding + 12) # Print @DIS Module Raw Entry Info
# Store/Save @DIS Module Entry Info in file
with open(uaf_fname[:-3] + 'txt', 'a', encoding='utf-8') as dis:
with contextlib.redirect_stdout(dis):
dis_mod.struct_print(4) # Store @DIS Module Entry Info
os.remove(uaf_fname) # Delete @DIS Module binary, info exported as text
# Parse Name List @UAF|@HPU Module (@NAL)
if len(uaf_data_raw) >= 5 and (uaf_tag, uaf_data_raw[0], uaf_data_raw[4]) == ('@NAL', 0x40, 0x3A):
nal_info = uaf_data_raw.decode('utf-8', 'ignore').replace('\r', '').strip().split('\n')
printer('AMI UCP Module Name List:\n', padding + 4)
# Parse all @NAL Module Entries
for info in nal_info:
info_tag, info_value = info.split(':', 1)
printer(f'{info_tag} : {info_value}', padding + 8, False) # Print @NAL Module Tag-Path Info
info_part = agnostic_path(info_value).parts # Split OS agnostic path in parts
info_path = to_string(info_part[1:-1], os.sep) # Get path without drive/root or file
info_name = info_part[-1] # Get file from last path part
nal_dict[info_tag] = (info_path, info_name) # Assign a file path & name to each Tag
# Parse Insyde BIOS @UAF|@HPU Module (@INS)
if uaf_tag == '@INS' and is_insyde_ifd(uaf_fname):
ins_dir = os.path.join(extract_path, safe_name(f'{uaf_tag}_nested-IFD')) # Generate extraction directory
if insyde_ifd_extract(uaf_fname, get_extract_path(ins_dir), padding + 4) == 0:
os.remove(uaf_fname) # Delete raw nested Insyde IFD image after successful extraction
# Detect & Unpack AMI BIOS Guard (PFAT) BIOS image
if is_ami_pfat(uaf_data_raw):
pfat_dir = os.path.join(extract_path, safe_name(uaf_name))
parse_pfat_file(uaf_data_raw, get_extract_path(pfat_dir), padding + 4)
os.remove(uaf_fname) # Delete raw PFAT BIOS image after successful extraction
# Detect Intel Engine firmware image and show ME Analyzer advice
if uaf_tag.startswith('@ME') and
printer('Intel Management Engine (ME) Firmware:\n', padding + 4)
printer('Use "ME Analyzer" from', padding + 8, False)
# Parse Nested AMI UCP image
if is_ami_ucp(uaf_data_raw):
uaf_dir = os.path.join(extract_path, safe_name(f'{uaf_tag}_nested-UCP')) # Generate extraction directory
ucp_extract(uaf_data_raw, get_extract_path(uaf_dir), padding + 4, checksum) # Call recursively
os.remove(uaf_fname) # Delete raw nested AMI UCP image after successful extraction
return nal_dict
# Get common ctypes Structure Sizes
UAF_HDR_LEN = ctypes.sizeof(UafHeader)
UAF_MOD_LEN = ctypes.sizeof(UafModule)
DIS_HDR_LEN = ctypes.sizeof(DisHeader)
DIS_MOD_LEN = ctypes.sizeof(DisModule)
UII_HDR_LEN = ctypes.sizeof(UiiHeader)
# AMI UCP Tag Dictionary
'@3FI': ['HpBiosUpdate32.efi', 'HpBiosUpdate32.efi', ''],
'@3S2': ['HpBiosUpdate32.s12', 'HpBiosUpdate32.s12', ''],
'@3S4': ['HpBiosUpdate32.s14', 'HpBiosUpdate32.s14', ''],
'@3S9': ['HpBiosUpdate32.s09', 'HpBiosUpdate32.s09', ''],
'@3SG': ['HpBiosUpdate32.sig', 'HpBiosUpdate32.sig', ''],
'@AMI': ['UCP_Nested.bin', 'Nested AMI UCP', ''],
'@B12': ['BiosMgmt.s12', 'BiosMgmt.s12', ''],
'@B14': ['BiosMgmt.s14', 'BiosMgmt.s14', ''],
'@B32': ['BiosMgmt32.s12', 'BiosMgmt32.s12', ''],
'@B34': ['BiosMgmt32.s14', 'BiosMgmt32.s14', ''],
'@B39': ['BiosMgmt32.s09', 'BiosMgmt32.s09', ''],
'@B3E': ['BiosMgmt32.efi', 'BiosMgmt32.efi', ''],
'@BM9': ['BiosMgmt.s09', 'BiosMgmt.s09', ''],
'@BME': ['BiosMgmt.efi', 'BiosMgmt.efi', ''],
'@CKV': ['Check_Version.txt', 'Check Version', 'Text'],
'@CMD': ['AFU_Command.txt', 'AMI AFU Command', 'Text'],
'@CML': ['CMOSD4.txt', 'CMOS Item Number-Value (MSI)', 'Text'],
'@CMS': ['CMOSD4.exe', 'Get or Set CMOS Item (MSI)', ''],
'@CPM': ['AC_Message.txt', 'Confirm Power Message', ''],
'@DCT': ['DevCon32.exe', 'Device Console WIN32', ''],
'@DCX': ['DevCon64.exe', 'Device Console WIN64', ''],
'@DFE': ['HpDevFwUpdate.efi', 'HpDevFwUpdate.efi', ''],
'@DFS': ['HpDevFwUpdate.s12', 'HpDevFwUpdate.s12', ''],
'@DIS': ['Command_Status.bin', 'Default Command Status', ''],
'@ENB': ['ENBG64.exe', 'ENBG64.exe', ''],
'@HPU': ['UCP_Main.bin', 'Utility Auxiliary File (HP)', ''],
'@INS': ['Insyde_Nested.bin', 'Nested Insyde SFX', ''],
'@M32': ['HpBiosMgmt32.s12', 'HpBiosMgmt32.s12', ''],
'@M34': ['HpBiosMgmt32.s14', 'HpBiosMgmt32.s14', ''],
'@M39': ['HpBiosMgmt32.s09', 'HpBiosMgmt32.s09', ''],
'@M3I': ['HpBiosMgmt32.efi', 'HpBiosMgmt32.efi', ''],
'@MEC': ['FWUpdLcl.txt', 'Intel FWUpdLcl Command', 'Text'],
'@MED': ['FWUpdLcl_DOS.exe', 'Intel FWUpdLcl DOS', ''],
'@MET': ['FWUpdLcl_WIN32.exe', 'Intel FWUpdLcl WIN32', ''],
'@MFI': ['HpBiosMgmt.efi', 'HpBiosMgmt.efi', ''],
'@MS2': ['HpBiosMgmt.s12', 'HpBiosMgmt.s12', ''],
'@MS4': ['HpBiosMgmt.s14', 'HpBiosMgmt.s14', ''],
'@MS9': ['HpBiosMgmt.s09', 'HpBiosMgmt.s09', ''],
'@NAL': ['UCP_List.txt', 'AMI UCP Module Name List', ''],
'@OKM': ['OK_Message.txt', 'OK Message', ''],
'@PFC': ['BGT_Command.txt', 'AMI BGT Command', 'Text'],
'@R3I': ['CryptRSA32.efi', 'CryptRSA32.efi', ''],
'@RFI': ['CryptRSA.efi', 'CryptRSA.efi', ''],
'@UAF': ['UCP_Main.bin', 'Utility Auxiliary File (AMI)', ''],
'@UFI': ['HpBiosUpdate.efi', 'HpBiosUpdate.efi', ''],
'@UII': ['UCP_Info.txt', 'Utility Identification Information', ''],
'@US2': ['HpBiosUpdate.s12', 'HpBiosUpdate.s12', ''],
'@US4': ['HpBiosUpdate.s14', 'HpBiosUpdate.s14', ''],
'@US9': ['HpBiosUpdate.s09', 'HpBiosUpdate.s09', ''],
'@USG': ['HpBiosUpdate.sig', 'HpBiosUpdate.sig', ''],
'@VER': ['OEM_Version.txt', 'OEM Version', 'Text'],
'@VXD': ['amifldrv.vxd', 'amifldrv.vxd', ''],
'@W32': ['amifldrv32.sys', 'amifldrv32.sys', ''],
'@W64': ['amifldrv64.sys', 'amifldrv64.sys', ''],
'@D64': ['amifldrv64.sys', 'amifldrv64.sys', ''],
if __name__ == '__main__':
utility_args = [(['-c', '--checksum'], {'help': 'verify AMI UCP Checksums (slow)', 'action': 'store_true'})]
utility = BIOSUtility(title=TITLE, check=is_ami_ucp, main=ucp_extract, args=utility_args)