#!/usr/bin/env python3 -B # coding=utf-8 """ Apple EFI PKG Apple EFI Package Extractor Copyright (C) 2019-2024 Plato Mavropoulos """ import os from common.comp_szip import is_szip_supported, szip_decompress from common.path_ops import copy_file, del_dirs, get_extract_path, get_path_files, make_dirs, path_name, path_parent from common.patterns import PAT_APPLE_PKG from common.system import printer from common.templates import BIOSUtility from common.text_ops import file_to_bytes from Apple_EFI_ID import apple_efi_identify, is_apple_efi from Apple_EFI_IM4P import apple_im4p_split, is_apple_im4p from Apple_EFI_PBZX import apple_pbzx_extract, is_apple_pbzx TITLE = 'Apple EFI Package Extractor v3.0' def is_apple_pkg(input_file): """ Check if input is Apple EFI PKG package """ input_buffer = file_to_bytes(input_file) return bool(PAT_APPLE_PKG.search(input_buffer[:0x4])) def efi_split_rename(in_file, out_path, padding=0): """ Split Apple EFI image (if applicable) and Rename """ exit_codes = [] working_dir = get_extract_path(in_file) if is_apple_im4p(in_file): printer(f'Splitting IM4P via {is_apple_im4p.__module__}...', padding) im4p_exit = apple_im4p_split(in_file, working_dir, padding + 4) exit_codes.append(im4p_exit) else: make_dirs(working_dir, delete=True) copy_file(in_file, working_dir, True) for efi_file in get_path_files(working_dir): if is_apple_efi(efi_file): printer(f'Renaming EFI via {is_apple_efi.__module__}...', padding) name_exit = apple_efi_identify(efi_file, efi_file, padding + 4, True) exit_codes.append(name_exit) for named_file in get_path_files(working_dir): copy_file(named_file, out_path, True) del_dirs(working_dir) return sum(exit_codes) def apple_pkg_extract(input_file, extract_path, padding=0): """ Parse & Extract Apple EFI PKG packages """ if not os.path.isfile(input_file): printer('Error: Could not find input file path!', padding) return 1 make_dirs(extract_path, delete=True) xar_path = os.path.join(extract_path, 'xar') # Decompress PKG > XAR archive with 7-Zip if is_szip_supported(input_file, padding, args=['-tXAR'], check=True): if szip_decompress(input_file, xar_path, 'XAR', padding, args=['-tXAR'], check=True) != 0: return 3 else: return 2 for xar_file in get_path_files(xar_path): if path_name(xar_file) == 'Payload': pbzx_module = is_apple_pbzx.__module__ if is_apple_pbzx(xar_file): printer(f'Extracting PBZX via {pbzx_module}...', padding + 4) pbzx_path = get_extract_path(xar_file) if apple_pbzx_extract(xar_file, pbzx_path, padding + 8) == 0: printer(f'Succesfull PBZX extraction via {pbzx_module}!', padding + 4) for pbzx_file in get_path_files(pbzx_path): if path_name(pbzx_file) == 'UpdateBundle.zip': if is_szip_supported(pbzx_file, padding + 8, args=['-tZIP'], check=True): zip_path = get_extract_path(pbzx_file) if szip_decompress(pbzx_file, zip_path, 'ZIP', padding + 8, args=['-tZIP'], check=True) == 0: for zip_file in get_path_files(zip_path): if path_name(path_parent(zip_file)) == 'MacEFI': printer(path_name(zip_file), padding + 12) if efi_split_rename(zip_file, extract_path, padding + 16) != 0: printer(f'Error: Could not split and rename {path_name(zip_file)}!', padding) return 10 else: return 9 else: return 8 break # ZIP found, stop else: printer('Error: Could not find "UpdateBundle.zip" file!', padding) return 7 else: printer(f'Error: Failed to extract PBZX file via {pbzx_module}!', padding) return 6 else: printer(f'Error: Failed to detect file as PBZX via {pbzx_module}!', padding) return 5 break # Payload found, stop searching if path_name(xar_file) == 'Scripts': if is_szip_supported(xar_file, padding + 4, args=['-tGZIP'], check=True): gzip_path = get_extract_path(xar_file) if szip_decompress(xar_file, gzip_path, 'GZIP', padding + 4, args=['-tGZIP'], check=True) == 0: for gzip_file in get_path_files(gzip_path): if is_szip_supported(gzip_file, padding + 8, args=['-tCPIO'], check=True): cpio_path = get_extract_path(gzip_file) if szip_decompress(gzip_file, cpio_path, 'CPIO', padding + 8, args=['-tCPIO'], check=True) == 0: for cpio_file in get_path_files(cpio_path): if path_name(path_parent(cpio_file)) == 'EFIPayloads': printer(path_name(cpio_file), padding + 12) if efi_split_rename(cpio_file, extract_path, padding + 16) != 0: printer(f'Error: Could not split and rename {path_name(cpio_file)}!', padding) return 15 else: return 14 else: return 13 else: return 12 else: return 11 break # Scripts found, stop searching else: printer('Error: Could not find "Payload" or "Scripts" file!', padding) return 4 del_dirs(xar_path) # Delete temporary/working XAR folder return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': BIOSUtility(title=TITLE, check=is_apple_pkg, main=apple_pkg_extract).run_utility()