Dell PFS Update Extractor v5.0

Dell PFS Update Extractor v5.0 is a complete refactor/re-design of the previous Dell PFS BIOS Extractor. The logic of the script has been re-written to be cleaner, smarter, faster and more robust to PFS format changes. Notable new features include:

1) Support for PFS Utilities section extraction, aside from the Firmware one
2) Support and proper extraction of Intel BIOS Guard protected Firmware
3) Support for parsing some newer PFS Information and Signature entries
4) Ability to show verbose output of extraction progress and PFS structures
5) Ability to better integrate the script to other projects via new parameters
6) Extensive code re-structuring in more modular form for future expansion
This commit is contained in:
platomav 2021-12-27 00:46:37 +02:00
parent c05a1da05f
commit ec14803065
3 changed files with 1267 additions and 949 deletions

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@ -1,943 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Dell PFS Extract
Dell PFS BIOS Extractor
Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Plato Mavropoulos
Inspired from by Nikolaj Schlej
title = 'Dell PFS BIOS Extractor v4.9'
import os
import re
import sys
import zlib
import lzma
import shutil
import struct
import ctypes
import argparse
import traceback
# Set ctypes Structure types
char = ctypes.c_char
uint8_t = ctypes.c_ubyte
uint16_t = ctypes.c_ushort
uint32_t = ctypes.c_uint
uint64_t = ctypes.c_uint64
class PFS_HDR(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure) :
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
('Tag', char*8), # 0x00
('HeaderVersion', uint32_t), # 0x08
('PayloadSize', uint32_t), # 0x0C
# 0x10
def pfs_print(self) :
print('\nPFS Header:\n')
print('Tag : %s' % self.Tag.decode('utf-8'))
print('HeaderVersion : %d' % self.HeaderVersion)
print('PayloadSize : 0x%X' % self.PayloadSize)
class PFS_FTR(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure) :
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
('PayloadSize', uint32_t), # 0x00
('Checksum', uint32_t), # 0x04 ~CRC32 w/ Vector 0
('Tag', char*8), # 0x08
# 0x10
def pfs_print(self) :
print('\nPFS Footer:\n')
print('PayloadSize : 0x%X' % self.PayloadSize)
print('Checksum : 0x%0.8X' % self.Checksum)
print('Tag : %s' % self.Tag.decode('utf-8'))
class PFS_ENTRY(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure) :
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
('GUID', uint32_t*4), # 0x00 Little Endian
('HeaderVersion', uint32_t), # 0x10 1
('VersionType', uint8_t*4), # 0x14
('Version', uint16_t*4), # 0x18
('Reserved', uint64_t), # 0x20
('DataSize', uint32_t), # 0x28
('DataSigSize', uint32_t), # 0x2C
('DataMetSize', uint32_t), # 0x30
('DataMetSigSize', uint32_t), # 0x34
('Unknown', uint32_t*4), # 0x38
# 0x48
def pfs_print(self) :
GUID = ''.join('%0.8X' % int.from_bytes(struct.pack('<I', val), 'little') for val in reversed(self.GUID))
VersionType = ''.join('%0.2X' % int.from_bytes(struct.pack('<I', val), 'little') for val in reversed(self.VersionType))
Version = ''.join('%0.4X' % int.from_bytes(struct.pack('<I', val), 'little') for val in reversed(self.Version))
Unknown = ''.join('%0.8X' % int.from_bytes(struct.pack('<I', val), 'little') for val in reversed(self.Unknown))
print('\nPFS Entry:\n')
print('GUID : %s' % GUID)
print('HeaderVersion : %d' % self.HeaderVersion)
print('VersionType : %s' % VersionType)
print('Version : %s' % Version)
print('Reserved : 0x%X' % self.Reserved)
print('DataSize : 0x%X' % self.DataSize)
print('DataSigSize : 0x%X' % self.DataSigSize)
print('DataMetSize : 0x%X' % self.DataMetSize)
print('DataMetSigSize : 0x%X' % self.DataMetSigSize)
print('Unknown : %s' % Unknown)
class PFS_ENTRY_R2(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure) :
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
('GUID', uint32_t*4), # 0x00 Little Endian
('HeaderVersion', uint32_t), # 0x10 2
('VersionType', uint8_t*4), # 0x14
('Version', uint16_t*4), # 0x18
('Reserved', uint64_t), # 0x20
('DataSize', uint32_t), # 0x28
('DataSigSize', uint32_t), # 0x2C
('DataMetSize', uint32_t), # 0x30
('DataMetSigSize', uint32_t), # 0x34
('Unknown', uint32_t*8), # 0x38
# 0x58
def pfs_print(self) :
GUID = ''.join('%0.8X' % int.from_bytes(struct.pack('<I', val), 'little') for val in reversed(self.GUID))
VersionType = ''.join('%0.2X' % int.from_bytes(struct.pack('<I', val), 'little') for val in reversed(self.VersionType))
Version = ''.join('%0.4X' % int.from_bytes(struct.pack('<I', val), 'little') for val in reversed(self.Version))
Unknown = ''.join('%0.8X' % int.from_bytes(struct.pack('<I', val), 'little') for val in reversed(self.Unknown))
print('\nPFS Entry:\n')
print('GUID : %s' % GUID)
print('HeaderVersion : %d' % self.HeaderVersion)
print('VersionType : %s' % VersionType)
print('Version : %s' % Version)
print('Reserved : 0x%X' % self.Reserved)
print('DataSize : 0x%X' % self.DataSize)
print('DataSigSize : 0x%X' % self.DataSigSize)
print('DataMetSize : 0x%X' % self.DataMetSize)
print('DataMetSigSize : 0x%X' % self.DataMetSigSize)
print('Unknown : %s' % Unknown)
class PFS_INFO(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure) :
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
('HeaderVersion', uint32_t), # 0x00
('GUID', uint32_t*4), # 0x04 Little Endian
('Version', uint16_t*4), # 0x14
('VersionType', uint8_t*4), # 0x1C
('CharacterCount', uint16_t), # 0x20 UTF-16 2-byte Characters
# 0x22
def pfs_print(self) :
GUID = ''.join('%0.8X' % int.from_bytes(struct.pack('<I', val), 'little') for val in reversed(self.GUID))
Version = ''.join('%0.4X' % int.from_bytes(struct.pack('<I', val), 'little') for val in reversed(self.Version))
VersionType = ''.join('%0.2X' % int.from_bytes(struct.pack('<I', val), 'little') for val in reversed(self.VersionType))
print('\nPFS Information:\n')
print('HeaderVersion : %d' % self.HeaderVersion)
print('GUID : %s' % GUID)
print('Version : %s' % Version)
print('VersionType : %s' % VersionType)
print('CharacterCount : %d' % (self.CharacterCount * 2))
class METADATA_INFO(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure) :
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
('ModelIDs', char*501), # 0x000
('FileName', char*100), # 0x1F5
('FileVersion', char*33), # 0x259
('Date', char*33), # 0x27A
('Brand', char*80), # 0x29B
('ModelFile', char*80), # 0x2EB
('ModelName', char*100), # 0x33B
('ModelVersion', char*33), # 0x39F
# 0x3C0
def pfs_print(self) :
print('\nMetadata Information:\n')
print('Model IDs : %s' % self.ModelIDs.decode('utf-8').strip(',END'))
print('File Name : %s' % self.FileName.decode('utf-8'))
print('File Version : %s' % self.FileVersion.decode('utf-8'))
print('Date : %s' % self.Date.decode('utf-8'))
print('Brand : %s' % self.Brand.decode('utf-8'))
print('Model File : %s' % self.ModelFile.decode('utf-8'))
print('Model Name : %s' % self.ModelName.decode('utf-8'))
print('Model Version : %s' % self.ModelVersion.decode('utf-8'))
def pfs_write(self) :
return '%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s' % (self.ModelIDs.decode('utf-8').strip(',END'), self.FileName.decode('utf-8'),
self.FileVersion.decode('utf-8'), self.Date.decode('utf-8'), self.Brand.decode('utf-8'), self.ModelFile.decode('utf-8'),
self.ModelName.decode('utf-8'), self.ModelVersion.decode('utf-8'))
class CHUNK_INFO_HDR(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure) :
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
('Unknown0', uint32_t), # 0x00
('DellTag', char*16), # 0x04
('Unknown1', uint32_t), # 0x14
('Unknown2', uint32_t), # 0x18
('FlagsSize', uint32_t), # 0x1C
('ChunkSize', uint32_t), # 0x20
('Unknown3', uint16_t), # 0x24
('EndTag', char*2), # 0x26
# 0x28
def pfs_print(self) :
print('\nChunk Header:\n')
print('Unknown 0 : 0x%X' % self.Unknown0)
print('Dell Tag : %s' % self.DellTag.replace(b'\x00',b'\x20').decode('utf-8','ignore').strip())
print('Unknown 1 : 0x%X' % self.Unknown1)
print('Unknown 2 : 0x%X' % self.Unknown2)
print('Flags Size : 0x%X' % self.FlagsSize)
print('Chunk Size : 0x%X' % self.ChunkSize)
print('Unknown 3 : 0x%X' % self.Unknown3)
print('End Tag : %s' % self.EndTag.decode('utf-8','ignore'))
class CHUNK_INFO_FTR(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure) :
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
('EndMarker', uint64_t), # 0x00
# 0x08
def pfs_print(self) :
print('\nChunk Footer:\n')
print('End Marker : 0x%X' % self.EndMarker)
# Dell PFS.HDR. Extractor
def pfs_extract(buffer, pfs_index, pfs_name, pfs_count) :
# Get PFS Header Structure values
pfs_hdr = get_struct(buffer, 0, PFS_HDR)
# Validate that a PFS Header was parsed
if pfs_hdr.Tag != b'PFS.HDR.' :
print('\n Error: PFS Header could not be found!')
return # Critical error, abort
# Validate that a known PFS Header Version was encountered
if pfs_hdr.HeaderVersion not in (1,2) :
print('\n Error: Unknown PFS Header Version %d!' % pfs_hdr.HeaderVersion)
# Get PFS Footer Data after PFS Header Payload
footer = buffer[pfs_header_size + pfs_hdr.PayloadSize:pfs_header_size + pfs_hdr.PayloadSize + pfs_footer_size]
# Get PFS Footer Structure values
pfs_ftr = pfs_hdr = get_struct(footer, 0, PFS_FTR)
# Validate that a PFS Footer was parsed
if pfs_ftr.Tag != b'PFS.FTR.' :
print('\n Error: PFS Footer could not be found!')
# Validate that the PFS Header Payload Size matches the one at the PFS Footer
if pfs_hdr.PayloadSize != pfs_ftr.PayloadSize :
print('\n Error: PFS Header & Footer Payload Size mismatch!')
# Get PFS Payload Data
payload = buffer[pfs_header_size:pfs_header_size + pfs_hdr.PayloadSize]
# Calculate the PFS Payload Data CRC-32 w/ Vector 0 Checksum
footer_checksum = ~zlib.crc32(payload, 0) & 0xFFFFFFFF
# Validate PFS Payload Data Checksum via the PFS Footer
if pfs_ftr.Checksum != footer_checksum :
print('\n Error: Invalid PFS Footer Payload Checksum!')
# Parse all PFS Payload Entries/Components
entry_index = 1 # Index number of each PFS Entry
entry_start = 0 # Increasing PFS Entry starting offset
entries_all = [] # Storage for each PFS Entry details
pfs_info = [] # Buffer for PFS Information Entry Data
pfs_entry_struct, pfs_entry_size = get_pfs_entry(payload, entry_start) # Get PFS Entry Info
while len(payload[entry_start:entry_start + pfs_entry_size]) == pfs_entry_size :
# Get PFS Entry Structure values
pfs_entry = get_struct(payload, entry_start, pfs_entry_struct)
# Validate that a known PFS Entry Header Version was encountered
if pfs_entry.HeaderVersion not in (1,2) :
print('\n Error: Unknown PFS Entry Header Version %d!' % pfs_entry.HeaderVersion)
# Validate that the PFS Entry Reserved field is empty
if pfs_entry.Reserved != 0 :
print('\n Error: Detected non-empty PFS Entry Reserved field!')
# Get PFS Entry Version string via "Version" and "VersionType" fields
entry_version = get_version(pfs_entry.Version, pfs_entry.VersionType)
# Get PFS Entry GUID in Big Endian format
entry_guid = ''.join('%0.8X' % int.from_bytes(struct.pack('<I', val), 'little') for val in reversed(pfs_entry.GUID))
# PFS Entry Data starts after the PFS Entry Structure
entry_data_start = entry_start + pfs_entry_size
entry_data_end = entry_data_start + pfs_entry.DataSize
# PFS Entry Data Signature starts after PFS Entry Data
entry_data_sig_start = entry_data_end
entry_data_sig_end = entry_data_sig_start + pfs_entry.DataSigSize
# PFS Entry Metadata starts after PFS Entry Data Signature
entry_met_start = entry_data_sig_end
entry_met_end = entry_met_start + pfs_entry.DataMetSize
# PFS Entry Metadata Signature starts after PFS Entry Metadata
entry_met_sig_start = entry_met_end
entry_met_sig_end = entry_met_sig_start + pfs_entry.DataMetSigSize
entry_data = payload[entry_data_start:entry_data_end] # Store PFS Entry Data
entry_data_sig = payload[entry_data_sig_start:entry_data_sig_end] # Store PFS Entry Data Signature
entry_met = payload[entry_met_start:entry_met_end] # Store PFS Entry Metadata
entry_met_sig = payload[entry_met_sig_start:entry_met_sig_end] # Store PFS Entry Metadata Signature
entry_type = 'OTHER' # Adjusted later if PFS Entry is Zlib, Chunks, PFS Info, Model Info
# Get PFS Information from the PFS Entry with GUID E0717CE3A9BB25824B9F0DC8FD041960 or B033CB16EC9B45A14055F80E4D583FD3
if entry_guid in ['E0717CE3A9BB25824B9F0DC8FD041960','B033CB16EC9B45A14055F80E4D583FD3'] :
pfs_info = entry_data
entry_type = 'PFS_INFO'
# Get Model Information from the PFS Entry with GUID 6F1D619A22A6CB924FD4DA68233AE3FB
elif entry_guid == '6F1D619A22A6CB924FD4DA68233AE3FB' :
entry_type = 'MODEL_INFO'
# Get Nested PFS from the PFS Entry with GUID 900FAE60437F3AB14055F456AC9FDA84
elif entry_guid == '900FAE60437F3AB14055F456AC9FDA84' :
entry_type = 'NESTED_PFS' # Nested PFS are usually zlib-compressed so it might change to 'ZLIB' later
# Store all relevant PFS Entry details
entries_all.append([entry_index, entry_guid, entry_version, entry_type, entry_data, entry_data_sig, entry_met, entry_met_sig])
entry_index += 1 # Increase PFS Entry Index number for user-friendly output and name duplicates
entry_start = entry_met_sig_end # Next PFS Entry starts after PFS Entry Metadata Signature
# Parse all PFS Information Entries/Descriptors
info_start = 0 # Increasing PFS Information Entry starting offset
info_all = [] # Storage for each PFS Information Entry details
while len(pfs_info[info_start:info_start + pfs_info_size]) == pfs_info_size :
# Get PFS Information Structure values
entry_info = get_struct(pfs_info, info_start, PFS_INFO)
# Validate that a known PFS Information Header Version was encountered
if entry_info.HeaderVersion != 1 :
print('\n Error: Unknown PFS Information Header Version %d!' % entry_info.HeaderVersion)
break # Skip PFS Information Entries/Descriptors in case of assertion error
# Get PFS Information GUID in Big Endian format to match each Info to the equivalent stored PFS Entry details
entry_guid = ''.join('%0.8X' % int.from_bytes(struct.pack('<I', val), 'little') for val in reversed(entry_info.GUID))
# The PFS Information Structure is not complete by itself. The size of the last field (Entry Name) is determined from CharacterCount
# multiplied by 2 due to usage of UTF-16 2-byte Characters. Any Entry Name leading and/or trailing space/null characters are stripped
entry_name = pfs_info[info_start + pfs_info_size:info_start + pfs_info_size + entry_info.CharacterCount * 2].decode('utf-16').strip()
# Get PFS Information Version string via "Version" and "VersionType" fields
# PFS Information Version string must be preferred over PFS Entry's Version
entry_version = get_version(entry_info.Version, entry_info.VersionType)
# Store all relevant PFS Information details
info_all.append([entry_guid, entry_name, entry_version])
# The next PFS Information starts after the calculated Entry Name size
# Two space/null characters seem to always exist after the Entry Name
info_start += (pfs_info_size + entry_info.CharacterCount * 2 + 0x2)
# Parse Nested PFS Metadata when its PFS Information Entry is missing
for index in range(len(entries_all)) :
if entries_all[index][3] == 'NESTED_PFS' and not pfs_info :
entry_guid = entries_all[index][1] # Nested PFS Entry GUID in Big Endian format
entry_metadata = entries_all[index][6] # Use Metadata as PFS Information Entry
# When PFS Information Entry exists, Nested PFS Metadata contains only Model IDs
# When it's missing, the Metadata structure is large and contains equivalent info
if len(entry_metadata) >= met_info_size :
# Get Nested PFS Metadata Structure values
entry_info = get_struct(entry_metadata, 0, METADATA_INFO)
# As Nested PFS Entry Name, we'll use the actual PFS File Name
entry_name = entry_info.FileName.decode('utf-8').strip('.exe')
# As Nested PFS Entry Version, we'll use the actual PFS File Version
entry_version = entry_info.FileVersion.decode('utf-8')
# Store all relevant Nested PFS Metadata/Information details
info_all.append([entry_guid, entry_name, entry_version])
# Re-set Nested PFS Entry Version from Metadata
entries_all[index][2] = entry_version
# Parse each PFS Entry Data for special types (zlib or Chunks)
for index in range(len(entries_all)) :
entry_data = entries_all[index][4] # Get PFS Entry Data
entry_type = entries_all[index][3] # Get PFS Entry Type
# Very small PFS Entry Data cannot be of special type
if len(entry_data) < pfs_header_size : continue
# Get possible PFS Header Structure values
entry_hdr = get_struct(entry_data, 0, PFS_HDR)
# Check for possibly zlib-compressed (0x4 Compressed Size + Compressed Data) PFS Entry Data
# The 0xE sized zlib "BIOS" section pattern (0xAA type) should be found after the Compressed Size
zlib_bios_hdr_match =
# Check if a sub PFS Header with Payload has Chunked Entries
pfs_entry_struct, pfs_entry_size = get_pfs_entry(entry_data, pfs_header_size) # Get PFS Entry Info
chunk_info_hdr_off = pfs_header_size + pfs_entry_size # Chunk Info Header starts after PFS Header & PFS Entry
if len(entry_data[chunk_info_hdr_off:chunk_info_hdr_off + chunk_info_header_size]) == chunk_info_header_size :
chunk_info_hdr = get_struct(entry_data, chunk_info_hdr_off, CHUNK_INFO_HDR) # Get Chunk Info Header
chunk_dell_tag = chunk_info_hdr.DellTag.replace(b'\x00',b'\x20').decode('utf-8','ignore').strip() # Chunk Dell Tag
chunk_flags_size = chunk_info_hdr.FlagsSize # Size of Chunk Info Flags
chunk_payload_size = chunk_info_hdr.ChunkSize # Size of Chunk Raw Data
else :
chunk_dell_tag = 'None' # Payload does not have Chunked Entries
chunk_flags_size = 0
if entry_hdr.Tag == b'PFS.HDR.' and chunk_dell_tag.startswith('Dell') :
# Validate that a known sub PFS Header Version was encountered
if entry_hdr.HeaderVersion not in (1,2) :
print('\n Error: Unknown sub PFS Entry Header Version %d!' % entry_hdr.HeaderVersion)
# Get sub PFS Footer Data after sub PFS Header Payload
chunks_footer = entry_data[pfs_header_size + entry_hdr.PayloadSize:pfs_header_size + entry_hdr.PayloadSize + pfs_footer_size]
# Get sub PFS Footer Structure values
entry_ftr = get_struct(chunks_footer, 0, PFS_FTR)
# Validate that a sub PFS Footer was parsed
if entry_ftr.Tag != b'PFS.FTR.' :
print('\n Error: Sub PFS Entry Footer could not be found!')
# Validate that the sub PFS Header Payload Size matches the one at the sub PFS Footer
if entry_hdr.PayloadSize != entry_ftr.PayloadSize :
print('\n Error: Sub PFS Entry Header & Footer Payload Size mismatch!')
# Get sub PFS Entry Structure values
pfs_chunk_entry = get_struct(entry_data, pfs_header_size, pfs_entry_struct)
# Validate that a known sub PFS Entry Header Version was encountered
if pfs_chunk_entry.HeaderVersion not in (1,2) :
print('\n Error: Unknown sub PFS Chunk Entry Header Version %d!' % pfs_chunk_entry.HeaderVersion)
# Validate that the sub PFS Entry Reserved field is empty
if pfs_chunk_entry.Reserved != 0 :
print('\n Error: Detected non-empty sub PFS Chunk Entry Reserved field!')
# Validate that the Chunk Extra Info Footer End Marker is proper
chunk_info_ftr_off = chunk_info_hdr_off + chunk_info_header_size + chunk_flags_size
chunk_info_ftr = get_struct(entry_data, chunk_info_ftr_off, CHUNK_INFO_FTR)
if chunk_info_ftr.EndMarker != 0xFF :
print('\n Error: Unknown sub PFS Chunk Info Footer End Marker 0x%X!' % chunk_info_ftr.EndMarker)
# Get sub PFS Payload Data
chunks_payload = entry_data[pfs_header_size:pfs_header_size + entry_hdr.PayloadSize]
# Calculate the sub PFS Payload Data CRC-32 w/ Vector 0 Checksum
chunks_footer_checksum = ~zlib.crc32(chunks_payload, 0) & 0xFFFFFFFF
# Validate sub PFS Payload Data Checksum via the sub PFS Footer
if entry_ftr.Checksum != chunks_footer_checksum :
print('\n Error: Invalid sub PFS Entry Footer Payload Checksum!')
# Parse all sub PFS Payload Entries/Chunks
chunk_data_all = [] # Storage for each sub PFS Entry/Chunk Order + Data
chunk_entry_start = 0 # Increasing sub PFS Entry/Chunk starting offset
pfs_entry_struct, pfs_entry_size = get_pfs_entry(chunks_payload, chunk_entry_start) # Get PFS Entry Info (initial)
while len(chunks_payload[chunk_entry_start:chunk_entry_start + pfs_entry_size]) == pfs_entry_size :
# Get Next PFS Entry Info, skip at the first loop iteration because we already have it
if chunk_entry_start : pfs_entry_struct, pfs_entry_size = get_pfs_entry(chunks_payload, chunk_entry_start)
# Get sub PFS Entry Structure values
pfs_chunk_entry = get_struct(chunks_payload, chunk_entry_start, pfs_entry_struct)
# Validate that a known sub PFS Entry Header Version was encountered
if pfs_chunk_entry.HeaderVersion not in (1,2) :
print('\n Error: Unknown sub PFS Chunk Entry Header Version %d!' % pfs_chunk_entry.HeaderVersion)
# Validate that the sub PFS Entry Reserved field is empty
if pfs_chunk_entry.Reserved != 0 :
print('\n Error: Detected non-empty sub PFS Chunk Entry Reserved field!')
# Each sub PFS Payload Entry/Chunk includes some Extra Chunk Data/Information at the beginning
# The Chunk Extra Info consists of a Header (0x28), variable sized Flags & End Marker Footer (0x8)
# We need the Chunk Extra Info size so that its Data can be removed from the final Chunk Raw Data
chunk_info_hdr_off = chunk_entry_start + pfs_entry_size # Chunk Info Header starts after PFS Entry
chunk_info_hdr = get_struct(chunks_payload, chunk_info_hdr_off, CHUNK_INFO_HDR) # Get Chunk Info Header
chunk_dell_tag = chunk_info_hdr.DellTag.replace(b'\x00',b'\x20').decode('utf-8','ignore').strip() # Chunk Dell Tag
chunk_flags_size = chunk_info_hdr.FlagsSize # Size of Chunk Info Flags
chunk_payload_size = chunk_info_hdr.ChunkSize # Size of Chunk Raw Data
chunk_info_size = pfs_chunk_entry.DataSize - chunk_payload_size # Size of Chunk Info
# Validate that the Chunk Extra Info Header Dell Tag is proper
if not chunk_dell_tag.startswith('Dell') :
print('\n Error: Unknown sub PFS Chunk Info Header Dell Tag %s!' % chunk_dell_tag)
# Validate that the Chunk Extra Info Footer End Marker is proper
chunk_info_ftr_off = chunk_info_hdr_off + chunk_info_header_size + chunk_flags_size
chunk_info_ftr = get_struct(chunks_payload, chunk_info_ftr_off, CHUNK_INFO_FTR)
if chunk_info_ftr.EndMarker != 0xFF :
print('\n Error: Unknown sub PFS Chunk Info Footer End Marker 0x%X!' % chunk_info_ftr.EndMarker)
# The sub PFS Payload Entries/Chunks are not in proper order by default
# We can get the Chunk Order Number from Chunk Extra Info > Flags byte 0x16
chunk_entry_number = chunks_payload[chunk_info_hdr_off + chunk_info_header_size + 0x16] # Get Chunk Order Number
# Get sub PFS Entry Version string via "Version" and "VersionType" fields
# This is not useful as the Version of each Chunk does not matter at all
#chunk_entry_version = get_version(pfs_chunk_entry.Version, pfs_chunk_entry.VersionType)
# Sub PFS Entry Data starts after the sub PFS Entry Structure
chunk_entry_data_start = chunk_entry_start + pfs_entry_size
chunk_entry_data_end = chunk_entry_data_start + pfs_chunk_entry.DataSize
# Sub PFS Entry Data Signature starts after sub PFS Entry Data
chunk_entry_data_sig_start = chunk_entry_data_end
chunk_entry_data_sig_end = chunk_entry_data_sig_start + pfs_chunk_entry.DataSigSize
# Sub PFS Entry Metadata starts after sub PFS Entry Data Signature
chunk_entry_met_start = chunk_entry_data_sig_end
chunk_entry_met_end = chunk_entry_met_start + pfs_chunk_entry.DataMetSize
# Sub PFS Entry Metadata Signature starts after sub PFS Entry Metadata
chunk_entry_met_sig_start = chunk_entry_met_end
chunk_entry_met_sig_end = chunk_entry_met_sig_start + pfs_chunk_entry.DataMetSigSize
chunk_entry_data = chunks_payload[chunk_entry_data_start:chunk_entry_data_end] # Store sub PFS Entry Data
#chunk_entry_data_sig = chunks_payload[chunk_entry_data_sig_start:chunk_entry_data_sig_end] # Store sub PFS Entry Data Signature
#chunk_entry_met = chunks_payload[chunk_entry_met_start:chunk_entry_met_end] # Store sub PFS Entry Metadata
#chunk_entry_met_sig = chunks_payload[chunk_entry_met_sig_start:chunk_entry_met_sig_end] # Store sub PFS Entry Metadata Signature
# Store each sub PFS Entry/Chunk Extra Info Size, Order Number & Raw Data
chunk_data_all.append((chunk_entry_number, chunk_entry_data, chunk_info_size))
chunk_entry_start = chunk_entry_met_sig_end # Next sub PFS Entry/Chunk starts after sub PFS Entry Metadata Signature
chunk_data_all.sort() # Sort all sub PFS Entries/Chunks based on their Order Number
entry_data = b'' # Initialize new PFS Entry Data
for chunk in chunk_data_all : # Merge all sub PFS Chunks into the final new PFS Entry Data
entry_data += chunk[1][chunk[2]:] # Skip the sub PFS Chunk Extra Info when merging
entry_type = 'CHUNKS' # Re-set PFS Entry Type from OTHER to CHUNKS, in case such info is needed afterwards
# Check if the PFS Entry Data are zlib-compressed in a "BIOS" pattern with 0xAA type.
# A zlib-compressed PFS Entry Data contains a full PFS structure, like the main Dell PFS BIOS image.
elif zlib_bios_hdr_match :
# Store the compressed zlib stream start offset
compressed_start = zlib_bios_hdr_match.start() + 0xC
# Store the "BIOS" section header start offset
header_start = zlib_bios_hdr_match.start() - 0x4
# Store the "BIOS" section header contents (16 bytes)
header_data = entry_data[header_start:compressed_start]
# Check if the "BIOS" section header Checksum XOR 8 is valid
if chk_xor_8(header_data[:0xF], 0) != header_data[0xF] :
print('\n Error: Dell sub-PFS BIOS section data is corrupted!')
# Store the compressed zlib stream size from the header contents
compressed_size_hdr = int.from_bytes(header_data[:0x4], 'little')
# Store the compressed zlib stream end offset
compressed_end = compressed_start + compressed_size_hdr
# Store the compressed zlib stream contents
compressed_data = entry_data[compressed_start:compressed_end]
# Check if the compressed zlib stream is complete, based on header
if len(compressed_data) != compressed_size_hdr :
print('\n Error: Dell sub-PFS BIOS section data is corrupted!')
# Store the "BIOS" section footer contents (16 bytes)
footer_data = entry_data[compressed_end:compressed_end + 0x10]
# Check if the "BIOS" section footer Checksum XOR 8 is valid
if chk_xor_8(footer_data[:0xF], 0) != footer_data[0xF] :
print('\n Error: Dell sub-PFS BIOS section data is corrupted!')
# Search input PFS Entry Data for zlib "BIOS" section footer
zlib_bios_ftr_match =
# Check if "BIOS" section footer was found in the PFS Entry Data
if not zlib_bios_ftr_match :
print('\n Error: Dell sub-PFS BIOS section data is corrupted!')
# Store the compressed zlib stream size from the footer contents
compressed_size_ftr = int.from_bytes(footer_data[:0x4], 'little')
# Check if the compressed zlib stream is complete, based on footer
if compressed_size_ftr != compressed_size_hdr :
print('\n Error: Dell sub-PFS BIOS section data is corrupted!')
# Decompress "BIOS" section payload, starting from zlib header start of 0x789C
entry_data = zlib.decompress(compressed_data)
entry_type = 'ZLIB' # Re-set PFS Entry Type from OTHER to ZLIB, in case such info is needed afterwards
pfs_count += 1 # Increase the count/index of parsed main PFS structures by one
# Get the Name of the zlib-compressed full PFS structure via the already stored PFS Information
# The zlib-compressed full PFS structure(s) are used to contain multiple BIOS (CombineBiosNameX)
# When zlib-compressed full PFS structure(s) exist within the main/first full PFS structure,
# its PFS Information should contain their names (CombineBiosNameX). Since the main/first
# full PFS structure has count/index 1, the rest start at 2+ and thus, their PFS Information
# names can be retrieved in order by subtracting 2 from the main/first PFS Information values
sub_pfs_name = ' %s v%s' % (info_all[pfs_count - 2][1], info_all[pfs_count - 2][2]) if info_all else ' UNKNOWN'
# Recursively call the Dell PFS.HDR. Extractor function for each zlib-compressed full PFS structure
pfs_extract(entry_data, pfs_count, sub_pfs_name, pfs_count) # For recursive calls, pfs_index = pfs_count
entries_all[index][4] = entry_data # Adjust PFS Entry Data after merging Chunks or zlib-decompressing
entries_all[index][3] = entry_type # Adjust PFS Entry Type from OTHER to either CHUNKS or ZLIB
# Name & Store each PFS Entry/Component Data, Data Signature, Metadata, Metadata Signature
for entry_index in range(len(entries_all)) :
file_index = entries_all[entry_index][0]
file_guid = entries_all[entry_index][1]
file_version = entries_all[entry_index][2]
file_type = entries_all[entry_index][3]
file_data = entries_all[entry_index][4]
file_data_sig = entries_all[entry_index][5]
file_meta = entries_all[entry_index][6]
file_meta_sig = entries_all[entry_index][7]
# Give Names to special PFS Entries, not covered by PFS Information
if file_type == 'MODEL_INFO' :
file_name = 'Model Information'
elif file_type == 'PFS_INFO' :
file_name = 'PFS Information'
if not is_advanced : continue # Don't store PFS Information in non-advanced user mode
else :
file_name = ''
# Most PFS Entry Names & Versions are found at PFS Information via their GUID
# Version can be found at PFS_ENTRY but prefer PFS Information when possible
for info_index in range(len(info_all)) :
info_guid = info_all[info_index][0]
info_name = info_all[info_index][1]
info_version = info_all[info_index][2]
# Give proper Name & Version info if Entry/Information GUIDs match
if info_guid == file_guid :
file_name = info_name
file_version = info_version
info_all[info_index][0] = 'USED' # PFS with zlib-compressed full PFS (multiple BIOS) use the same GUID
break # Break at 1st Name match to not rename from next zlib-compressed full PFS with the same GUID
data_ext = '.data.bin' if is_advanced else '.bin' # Simpler Data Extension for non-advanced users
meta_ext = '.meta.bin' if is_advanced else '.bin' # Simpler Metadata Extension for non-advanced users
full_name = '%d%s -- %d %s v%s' % (pfs_index, pfs_name, file_index, file_name, file_version) # Full Entry Name
safe_name = re.sub(r'[\\/*?:"<>|]', '_', full_name) # Replace common Windows reserved/illegal filename characters
is_zlib = file_type == 'ZLIB' # Determine if PFS Entry Data was zlib-compressed
# For both advanced & non-advanced users, the goal is to store final/usable files only
# so empty or intermediate files such as sub-PFS, PFS w/ Chunks or zlib-PFS are skipped
if file_data and not is_zlib : # Store Data (advanced & non-advanced users)
# Some Data may be Text or XML files with useful information for non-advanced users
is_text, final_data, file_ext, write_mode = bin_is_text(file_data, file_type, False, is_advanced)
final_name = '%s%s' % (safe_name, data_ext[:-4] + file_ext if is_text else data_ext)
final_path = os.path.join(output_path, final_name)
with open(final_path, write_mode) as o : o.write(final_data) # Write final Data
if file_data_sig and is_advanced : # Store Data Signature (advanced users only)
final_name = '' % safe_name
final_path = os.path.join(output_path, final_name)
with open(final_path, 'wb') as o : o.write(file_data_sig) # Write final Data Signature
# Main/First PFS CombineBiosNameX Metadata files must be kept for accurate Model Information
# All users should check these files in order to choose the correct CombineBiosNameX modules
if file_meta and (is_zlib or is_advanced) : # Store Metadata (advanced & maybe non-advanced users)
# Some Data may be Text or XML files with useful information for non-advanced users
is_text, final_data, file_ext, write_mode = bin_is_text(file_meta, file_type, True, is_advanced)
final_name = '%s%s' % (safe_name, meta_ext[:-4] + file_ext if is_text else meta_ext)
final_path = os.path.join(output_path, final_name)
with open(final_path, write_mode) as o : o.write(final_data) # Write final Data Metadata
if file_meta_sig and is_advanced : # Store Metadata Signature (advanced users only)
final_name = '%s.meta.sig' % safe_name
final_path = os.path.join(output_path, final_name)
with open(final_path, 'wb') as o : o.write(file_meta_sig) # Write final Data Metadata Signature
# Check if file is Text/XML and Convert
def bin_is_text(buffer, file_type, is_metadata, is_advanced) :
is_text = False
write_mode = 'wb'
extension = '.bin'
# Only for non-advanced users due to signature (.sig) invalidation
if not is_advanced :
if b',END' in buffer[-0x7:] : # Text Type 1
is_text = True
write_mode = 'w'
extension = '.txt'
buffer = buffer.decode('utf-8').split(',END')[0].replace(';','\n')
elif buffer.startswith(b'VendorName=Dell') : # Text Type 2
is_text = True
write_mode = 'w'
extension = '.txt'
buffer = buffer.split(b'\x00')[0].decode('utf-8').replace(';','\n')
elif b'<Rimm x-schema="' in buffer[:0x50] : # XML Type
is_text = True
write_mode = 'w'
extension = '.xml'
buffer = buffer.decode('utf-8')
elif file_type in ('NESTED_PFS','ZLIB') and is_metadata and len(buffer) == met_info_size : # Text Type 3
is_text = True
write_mode = 'w'
extension = '.txt'
buffer = get_struct(buffer, 0, METADATA_INFO).pfs_write()
return is_text, buffer, extension, write_mode
# Determine PFS Entry Version string via "Version" and "VersionType" fields
def get_version(version_fields, version_types) :
version = '' # Initialize Version string
# Each Version Type (1 byte) determines the type of each Version Value (2 bytes)
# Version Type 'N' is Number, 'A' is Text and ' ' is Empty/Unused
for idx in range(len(version_fields)) :
eol = '' if idx == len(version_fields) - 1 else '.'
if version_types[idx] == 65 : version += '%X%s' % (version_fields[idx], eol) # 0x41 = ASCII
elif version_types[idx] == 78 : version += '%d%s' % (version_fields[idx], eol) # 0x4E = Number
elif version_types[idx] in (0, 32) : version = version.strip('.') # 0x00 or 0x20 = Unused
else :
version += '%X%s' % (version_fields[idx], eol) # Unknown
print('\n Error: Unknown PFS Entry Version Type 0x%0.2X!' % version_types[idx])
return version
# Get PFS Entry Structure & Size via its Version
def get_pfs_entry(buffer, offset) :
pfs_entry_ver = int.from_bytes(buffer[offset + 0x10:offset + 0x14], 'little') # PFS Entry Version
if pfs_entry_ver == 1 : return PFS_ENTRY, ctypes.sizeof(PFS_ENTRY)
if pfs_entry_ver == 2 : return PFS_ENTRY_R2, ctypes.sizeof(PFS_ENTRY_R2)
return PFS_ENTRY_R2, ctypes.sizeof(PFS_ENTRY_R2)
# Calculate Checksum XOR 8 of data
def chk_xor_8(data, init_value) :
value = init_value
for byte in data : value = value ^ byte
value ^= 0x0
return value
# Process ctypes Structure Classes
# by Igor Skochinsky
def get_struct(buffer, start_offset, class_name, param_list = None) :
if param_list is None : param_list = []
structure = class_name(*param_list) # Unpack parameter list
struct_len = ctypes.sizeof(structure)
struct_data = buffer[start_offset:start_offset + struct_len]
fit_len = min(len(struct_data), struct_len)
if (start_offset >= len(buffer)) or (fit_len < struct_len) :
print('\n Error: Offset 0x%X out of bounds at %s, possibly incomplete image!' % (start_offset, class_name.__name__))
input('\nPress enter to exit')
ctypes.memmove(ctypes.addressof(structure), struct_data, fit_len)
return structure
# Pause after any unexpected Python exception
# by Torsten Marek
def show_exception_and_exit(exc_type, exc_value, tb) :
if exc_type is KeyboardInterrupt :
else :
print('\nError: %s crashed, please report the following:\n' % title)
traceback.print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, tb)
input('\nPress enter to exit')
# Set pause-able Python exception handler
sys.excepthook = show_exception_and_exit
# Show script title
print('\n' + title)
# Set console/shell window title
user_os = sys.platform
if user_os == 'win32' : ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetConsoleTitleW(title)
elif user_os.startswith('linux') or user_os == 'darwin' or user_os.find('bsd') != -1 : sys.stdout.write('\x1b]2;' + title + '\x07')
# Set argparse Arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('images', type=argparse.FileType('r'), nargs='*')
parser.add_argument('-a', '--advanced', help='extract in advanced user mode', action='store_true')
args = parser.parse_args()
# Get ctypes Structure Sizes
pfs_header_size = ctypes.sizeof(PFS_HDR)
pfs_footer_size = ctypes.sizeof(PFS_FTR)
pfs_info_size = ctypes.sizeof(PFS_INFO)
met_info_size = ctypes.sizeof(METADATA_INFO)
chunk_info_header_size = ctypes.sizeof(CHUNK_INFO_HDR)
chunk_info_footer_size = ctypes.sizeof(CHUNK_INFO_FTR)
# The Dell ThinOS PKG BIOS images usually contain more than one section. Each section starts with
# a 0x30 sized header, which begins with pattern 72135500. The section length is found at 0x10-0x14
# and its (optional) MD5 hash at 0x20-0x30. The section data can be raw or LZMA2 (7zXZ) compressed.
# The LZMA2 section includes the actual Dell PFS BIOS image, so it needs to be decompressed first.
# For the purposes of this utility, we are only interested in extracting the Dell PFS BIOS section.
lzma_pkg_header = re.compile(br'\x72\x13\x55\x00.{45}\x37\x7A\x58\x5A', re.DOTALL)
# The Dell PFS BIOS images usually contain more than one section. Each section is zlib-compressed
# with header pattern ********++EEAA761BECBB20F1E651--789C where ******** is the zlib stream size,
# ++ is the section type and -- the header Checksum XOR 8. The "BIOS" section has type 0xAA and its
# files are stored in PFS format. The "Utility" section has type 0xBB and its files are stored in PFS
# BIN or 7z formats. There could be more section types but for the purposes of this utility, we are
# only interested in extracting the "BIOS" section files. Each section is followed by a footer pattern
# ********EEAAEE8F491BE8AE143790-- where ******** is the zlib stream size and ++ the footer Checksum XOR 8.
zlib_bios_header = re.compile(br'\xAA\xEE\xAA\x76\x1B\xEC\xBB\x20\xF1\xE6\x51.\x78\x9C', re.DOTALL)
zlib_bios_footer = re.compile(br'\xEE\xAA\xEE\x8F\x49\x1B\xE8\xAE\x14\x37\x90')
if len(sys.argv) >= 2 :
# Drag & Drop or CLI
pfs_exec = []
for image in args.images :
else :
# Folder path
pfs_exec = []
in_path = input('\nEnter the full folder path: ')
for root, _, files in os.walk(in_path):
for name in files :
pfs_exec.append(os.path.join(root, name))
# Process each input Dell PFS BIOS image
for input_file in pfs_exec :
input_name,input_extension = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(input_file))
input_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(input_file))
print('\n*** %s%s' % (input_name, input_extension))
# Check if input file exists
if not os.path.isfile(input_file) :
print('\n Error: This input file does not exist!')
continue # Next input file
with open(input_file, 'rb') as in_file : input_data =
# Search input image for ThinOS PKG 7zXZ section header
lzma_pkg_hdr_match =
# Decompress ThinOS PKG 7zXZ section first, if present
if lzma_pkg_hdr_match :
lzma_len_off = lzma_pkg_hdr_match.start() + 0x10
lzma_len_int = int.from_bytes(input_data[lzma_len_off:lzma_len_off + 0x4], 'little')
lzma_bin_off = lzma_pkg_hdr_match.end() - 0x5
lzma_bin_dat = input_data[lzma_bin_off:lzma_bin_off + lzma_len_int]
# Check if the compressed 7zXZ stream is complete, based on header
if len(lzma_bin_dat) != lzma_len_int :
print('\n Error: This Dell ThinOS PKG BIOS image is corrupted!')
continue # Next input file
input_data = lzma.decompress(lzma_bin_dat)
# Search input image for zlib "BIOS" section header
zlib_bios_hdr_match =
# Check if "BIOS" section was found in the image
if not zlib_bios_hdr_match :
print('\n Error: This is not a Dell PFS BIOS image!')
continue # Next input file
# Store the compressed zlib stream start offset
compressed_start = zlib_bios_hdr_match.start() + 0xC
# Store the "BIOS" section header start offset
header_start = zlib_bios_hdr_match.start() - 0x4
# Store the "BIOS" section header contents (16 bytes)
header_data = input_data[header_start:compressed_start]
# Check if the "BIOS" section header Checksum XOR 8 is valid
if chk_xor_8(header_data[:0xF], 0) != header_data[0xF] :
print('\n Error: This Dell PFS BIOS image is corrupted!')
continue # Next input file
# Store the compressed zlib stream size from the header contents
compressed_size_hdr = int.from_bytes(header_data[:0x4], 'little')
# Store the compressed zlib stream end offset
compressed_end = compressed_start + compressed_size_hdr
# Store the compressed zlib stream contents
compressed_data = input_data[compressed_start:compressed_end]
# Check if the compressed zlib stream is complete, based on header
if len(compressed_data) != compressed_size_hdr :
print('\n Error: This Dell PFS BIOS image is corrupted!')
continue # Next input file
# Store the "BIOS" section footer contents (16 bytes)
footer_data = input_data[compressed_end:compressed_end + 0x10]
# Check if the "BIOS" section footer Checksum XOR 8 is valid
if chk_xor_8(footer_data[:0xF], 0) != footer_data[0xF] :
print('\n Error: This Dell PFS BIOS image is corrupted!')
continue # Next input file
# Search input image for zlib "BIOS" section footer
zlib_bios_ftr_match =
# Check if "BIOS" section footer was found in the image
if not zlib_bios_ftr_match :
print('\n Error: This Dell PFS BIOS image is corrupted!')
continue # Next input file
# Store the compressed zlib stream size from the footer contents
compressed_size_ftr = int.from_bytes(footer_data[:0x4], 'little')
# Check if the compressed zlib stream is complete, based on footer
if compressed_size_ftr != compressed_size_hdr :
print('\n Error: This Dell PFS BIOS image is corrupted!')
continue # Next input file
# Decompress "BIOS" section payload, starting from zlib header start of 0x789C
input_data = zlib.decompress(compressed_data)
output_path = os.path.join(input_dir, '%s%s' % (input_name, input_extension) + '_extracted') # Set extraction directory
if os.path.isdir(output_path) : shutil.rmtree(output_path) # Delete any existing extraction directory
os.mkdir(output_path) # Create extraction directory
pfs_name = '' # N/A for Main/First/Initial full PFS, used for sub-PFS recursions
pfs_index = 1 # Main/First/Initial full PFS Index is 1
pfs_count = 1 # Main/First/Initial full PFS Count is 1
is_advanced = bool(args.advanced) # Set Advanced user mode optional argument
pfs_extract(input_data, pfs_index, pfs_name, pfs_count) # Call the Dell PFS.HDR. Extractor function
print('\n Extracted Dell PFS BIOS image!')

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
<a href=""><img border="0" title="BIOS Utilities Donation via Paypal or Debit/Credit Card" alt="BIOS Utilities Donation via Paypal or Debit/Credit Card" src=""></a>
* [**Dell PFS BIOS Extractor**](#dell-pfs-bios-extractor)
* [**Dell PFS Update Extractor**](#dell-pfs-update-extractor)
* [**AMI UCP BIOS Extractor**](#ami-ucp-bios-extractor)
* [**AMI BIOS Guard Extractor**](#ami-bios-guard-extractor)
* [**Phoenix SCT BIOS Extractor**](#phoenix-sct-bios-extractor)
@ -20,13 +20,13 @@
* [**Apple EFI IM4P Splitter**](#apple-efi-im4p-splitter)
* [**Apple EFI Package Extractor**](#apple-efi-package-extractor)
## **Dell PFS BIOS Extractor**
## **Dell PFS Update Extractor**
#### **Description**
Parses Dell PFS BIOS images and extracts their SPI/BIOS/UEFI firmware components. It supports all Dell PFS revisions and formats, including those which are originally LZMA compressed in ThinOS packages, ZLIB compressed or split in chunks. The output comprises only final firmware components which are directly usable by end users. An optional Advanced user mode is available as well, which additionally extracts firmware Signatures and more Metadata.
Parses Dell PFS Update images and extracts their Firmware (e.g. SPI, BIOS/UEFI, EC, ME etc) and Utilities (e.g. Flasher etc) component sections. It supports all Dell PFS revisions and formats, including those which are originally LZMA compressed in ThinOS packages, ZLIB compressed or Intel BIOS Guard (PFAT) protected. The output comprises only final firmware components which are directly usable by end users. An optional advanced user mode is available as well, which additionally extracts firmware Signatures and more Metadata.
#### **Usage**
@ -34,6 +34,10 @@ You can either Drag & Drop or manually enter the full path of a folder containin
* -h or --help : show help message and exit
* -a or --advanced : extract in advanced user mode
* -v or --verbose : show PFS structure information
* -e or --auto-exit : skip press enter to exit prompts
* -o or --output-dir : extract in given output directory
* -i or --input-dir : extract from given input directory
#### **Download**
@ -45,7 +49,9 @@ Should work at all Windows, Linux or macOS operating systems which have Python 3
#### **Prerequisites**
To run the utility, you do not need any 3rd party tool.
To decompile the Intel BIOS Guard Scripts via the Python script, you need to additionally have the following 3rd party Python utility at the same directory:
* [BIOS Guard Script Tool]( (i.e.
#### **Build/Freeze/Compile with PyInstaller**
@ -59,7 +65,11 @@ PyInstaller can build/freeze/compile the utility at all three supported platform
> pip3 install pyinstaller
3. Build/Freeze/Compile:
3. Copy BIOS Guard Script Tool dependency to build directory:
4. Build/Freeze/Compile:
> pyinstaller --noupx --onefile
@ -73,6 +83,12 @@ Some Anti-Virus software may claim that the built/frozen/compiled executable con
## **AMI UCP BIOS Extractor**