AMI BIOS Guard Extractor v3.2

Each input file name is now shown at the top
Each output file now includes the input file name
Applied a few small static analysis code fixes
This commit is contained in:
Plato Mavropoulos 2021-01-19 16:30:19 +02:00
parent e235b7fbc4
commit 70844b0a24

View file

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ AMI BIOS Guard Extractor
Copyright (C) 2018-2021 Plato Mavropoulos
print('AMI BIOS Guard Extractor v3.1')
print('AMI BIOS Guard Extractor v3.2')
import sys
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import sys
sys_ver = sys.version_info
if sys_ver < (3,7) :
sys.stdout.write('\n\nError: Python >= 3.7 required, not %d.%d!\n' % (sys_ver[0], sys_ver[1]))
(raw_input if sys_ver[0] <= 2 else input)('\nPress enter to exit')
(raw_input if sys_ver[0] <= 2 else input)('\nPress enter to exit') # pylint: disable=E0602
import os
@ -64,11 +64,11 @@ class PFAT_Header(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure) :
def pfat_print(self) :
print('\nPFAT Main Header:\n')
print(' Size : 0x%X' % self.Size)
print(' Checksum : 0x%0.4X' % self.Checksum)
print(' Tag : %s' % self.Tag.decode('utf-8'))
print(' Flags : 0x%0.2X' % self.Flags)
print('\n PFAT Main Header:\n')
print(' Size : 0x%X' % self.Size)
print(' Checksum : 0x%0.4X' % self.Checksum)
print(' Tag : %s' % self.Tag.decode('utf-8'))
print(' Flags : 0x%0.2X' % self.Flags)
class PFAT_Block_Header(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure) :
_pack_ = 1
@ -108,20 +108,20 @@ class PFAT_Block_Header(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure) :
PlatformID = '%0.*X' % (0x10 * 2, int.from_bytes(self.PlatformID, 'big'))
PlatformID = '{%s-%s-%s-%s-%s}' % (PlatformID[:8], PlatformID[8:12], PlatformID[12:16], PlatformID[16:20], PlatformID[20:])
print('\n PFAT Block %s Header:\n' % self.count)
print(' PFAT Version : %d.%d' % (self.PFATVerMajor, self.PFATVerMinor))
print(' Platform ID : %s' % PlatformID)
print(' Signed Flash Address Map : %s' % no_yes[f1])
print(' Protected EC OpCodes : %s' % no_yes[f2])
print(' Graphics Security Disable : %s' % no_yes[f3])
print(' Fault Tolerant Update : %s' % no_yes[f4])
print(' Attributes Reserved : 0x%X' % f5)
print(' Script Version : %d.%d' % (self.ScriptVerMajor, self.ScriptVerMinor))
print(' Script Size : 0x%X' % self.ScriptSize)
print(' Data Size : 0x%X' % self.DataSize)
print(' BIOS SVN : 0x%X' % self.BIOSSVN)
print(' EC SVN : 0x%X' % self.ECSVN)
print(' Vendor Info : 0x%X' % self.VendorInfo)
print('\n PFAT Block %s Header:\n' % self.count)
print(' PFAT Version : %d.%d' % (self.PFATVerMajor, self.PFATVerMinor))
print(' Platform ID : %s' % PlatformID)
print(' Signed Flash Address Map : %s' % no_yes[f1])
print(' Protected EC OpCodes : %s' % no_yes[f2])
print(' Graphics Security Disable : %s' % no_yes[f3])
print(' Fault Tolerant Update : %s' % no_yes[f4])
print(' Attributes Reserved : 0x%X' % f5)
print(' Script Version : %d.%d' % (self.ScriptVerMajor, self.ScriptVerMinor))
print(' Script Size : 0x%X' % self.ScriptSize)
print(' Data Size : 0x%X' % self.DataSize)
print(' BIOS SVN : 0x%X' % self.BIOSSVN)
print(' EC SVN : 0x%X' % self.ECSVN)
print(' Vendor Info : 0x%X' % self.VendorInfo)
class PFAT_Block_Header_Attributes(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure):
_fields_ = [
@ -157,12 +157,12 @@ class PFAT_Block_RSA(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure) :
PublicKey = '%0.*X' % (0x100 * 2, int.from_bytes(self.PublicKey, 'little'))
Signature = '%0.*X' % (0x100 * 2, int.from_bytes(self.Signature, 'little'))
print('\n PFAT Block %s Signature:\n' % self.count)
print(' Unknown 0 : 0x%X' % self.Unknown0)
print(' Unknown 1 : 0x%X' % self.Unknown1)
print(' Public Key : %s [...]' % PublicKey[:8])
print(' Exponent : 0x%X' % self.Exponent)
print(' Signature : %s [...]' % Signature[:8])
print('\n PFAT Block %s Signature:\n' % self.count)
print(' Unknown 0 : 0x%X' % self.Unknown0)
print(' Unknown 1 : 0x%X' % self.Unknown1)
print(' Public Key : %s [...]' % PublicKey[:8])
print(' Exponent : 0x%X' % self.Exponent)
print(' Signature : %s [...]' % Signature[:8])
# by Igor Skochinsky
def get_struct(buffer, start_offset, class_name, param_list = None) :
@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ def get_struct(buffer, start_offset, class_name, param_list = None) :
fit_len = min(len(struct_data), struct_len)
if (start_offset >= len(buffer)) or (fit_len < struct_len) :
input('\nError: Offset 0x%X out of bounds at %s, possibly incomplete image!' % (start_offset, class_name.__name__))
input('\n Error: Offset 0x%X out of bounds at %s, possibly incomplete image!' % (start_offset, class_name.__name__))
ctypes.memmove(ctypes.addressof(structure), struct_data, fit_len)
@ -189,20 +189,19 @@ else :
ami_pfat = []
in_path = input('\nEnter the full folder path: ')
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(in_path):
for root, _, files in os.walk(in_path):
for name in files :
ami_pfat.append(os.path.join(root, name))
pfat_index = 1
input_name = ''
input_extension = ''
output_path = ''
block_hdr_size = ctypes.sizeof(PFAT_Block_Header)
block_rsa_size = ctypes.sizeof(PFAT_Block_RSA)
for input_file in ami_pfat :
input_name,input_extension = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(input_file))
input_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(input_file))
file_data = b''
final_data = b''
block_name = ''
@ -214,6 +213,22 @@ for input_file in ami_pfat :
pfat_match =
if pfat_index == 1 :
input_name,input_extension = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(input_file))
input_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(input_file))
print('\n*** %s%s' % (input_name, input_extension))
if not pfat_match :
print('\n Error: This is not an AMI BIOS Guard (PFAT) image!')
output_path = os.path.join(input_dir, '%s%s' % (input_name, input_extension) + '_extracted') # Set extraction directory
if os.path.isdir(output_path) : shutil.rmtree(output_path) # Delete any existing extraction directory
os.mkdir(output_path) # Create extraction directory
if not pfat_match : continue
buffer = buffer[pfat_match.start() - 0x8:]
@ -224,16 +239,9 @@ for input_file in ami_pfat :
hdr_data = buffer[0x11:hdr_size].decode('utf-8').splitlines()
print(' Title : %s' % hdr_data[0])
if pfat_index == 1 :
output_path = os.path.join(input_dir, '%s%s' % (input_name, input_extension) + '_extracted') # Set extraction directory
print(' Title : %s' % hdr_data[0])
if os.path.isdir(output_path) : shutil.rmtree(output_path) # Delete any existing extraction directory
os.mkdir(output_path) # Create extraction directory
file_path = os.path.join(output_path, '%d' % pfat_index)
file_path = os.path.join(output_path, '%s%s -- %d' % (input_name, input_extension, pfat_index))
for entry in hdr_data[1:] :
entry_data = entry.split(' ')
@ -251,7 +259,7 @@ for input_file in ami_pfat :
for i in range(block_count) :
is_file_start = blocks[i][0] != block_name
if is_file_start : print('\n %s (Parameter: %s, Flags: 0x%X)' % (blocks[i][0], blocks[i][1], blocks[i][2]))
if is_file_start : print('\n %s (Parameter: %s, Flags: 0x%X)' % (blocks[i][0], blocks[i][1], blocks[i][2]))
block_hdr = get_struct(buffer, block_start, PFAT_Block_Header, ['%d/%d' % (blocks[i][3], blocks[i][4])])
@ -265,22 +273,22 @@ for input_file in ami_pfat :
block_rsa = get_struct(buffer, block_data_end, PFAT_Block_RSA, ['%d/%d' % (blocks[i][3], blocks[i][4])])
print('\n PFAT Block %d/%d Script:\n' % (blocks[i][3], blocks[i][4]))
print('\n PFAT Block %d/%d Script:\n' % (blocks[i][3], blocks[i][4]))
is_opcode_div = len(block_script_data) % 8 == 0
is_begin_end = block_script_data[:8] + block_script_data[-8:] == b'\x01' + b'\x00' * 7 + b'\xFF' + b'\x00' * 7
if is_opcode_div and is_begin_end and is_bgst :
block_script_decomp = BigScript(code_bytes=block_script_data)
block_script_lines = block_script_decomp.to_string().replace('\t',' ').split('\n')
for line in block_script_lines :
spacing = ' ' * 12 if line.endswith(('begin','end',':')) else ' ' * 20
spacing = ' ' * 16 if line.endswith(('begin','end',':')) else ' ' * 24
operands = [op for op in line.split(' ') if op != '']
print(spacing + ('{:<12s}' + '{:<11s}' * (len(operands) - 1)).format(*operands))
elif not is_opcode_div :
print(' Error: Script not divisible by OpCode length!')
print(' Error: Script not divisible by OpCode length!')
elif not is_begin_end :
print(' Error: Script lacks Begin and/or End OpCodes!')
print(' Error: Script lacks Begin and/or End OpCodes!')
elif not is_bgst :
print(' Error: BIOS Guard Script Tool dependency missing!')
print(' Error: BIOS Guard Script Tool dependency missing!')
file_data += block_data
final_data += block_data