Dell PFS BIOS Extractor v4.2

Added proper sub PFS Chunked Entries parsing
This commit is contained in:
platomav 2020-04-22 15:51:35 +03:00
parent 3ee5628ee3
commit 283914d285

View file

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Plato Mavropoulos
Inspired from by Nikolaj Schlej
title = 'Dell PFS BIOS Extractor v4.0'
title = 'Dell PFS BIOS Extractor v4.2'
import os
import re
@ -177,6 +177,42 @@ class METADATA_INFO(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure) :
self.FileVersion.decode('utf-8'), self.Date.decode('utf-8'), self.Brand.decode('utf-8'), self.ModelFile.decode('utf-8'),
self.ModelName.decode('utf-8'), self.ModelVersion.decode('utf-8'))
class CHUNK_INFO_HDR(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure) :
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
('Unknown0', uint32_t), # 0x00
('DellTag', char*16), # 0x04
('Unknown1', uint32_t), # 0x14
('Unknown2', uint32_t), # 0x18
('FlagsSize', uint32_t), # 0x1C
('ChunkSize', uint32_t), # 0x20
('Unknown3', uint16_t), # 0x24
('EndTag', char*2), # 0x26
# 0x28
def pfs_print(self) :
print('\nChunk Header:\n')
print('Unknown 0 : 0x%X' % self.Unknown0)
print('Dell Tag : %s' % self.DellTag.replace(b'\x00',b'\x20').decode('utf-8','ignore').strip())
print('Unknown 1 : 0x%X' % self.Unknown1)
print('Unknown 2 : 0x%X' % self.Unknown2)
print('Flags Size : 0x%X' % self.FlagsSize)
print('Chunk Size : 0x%X' % self.ChunkSize)
print('Unknown 3 : 0x%X' % self.Unknown3)
print('End Tag : %s' % self.EndTag.decode('utf-8','ignore'))
class CHUNK_INFO_FTR(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure) :
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
('EndMarker', uint64_t), # 0x00
# 0x08
def pfs_print(self) :
print('\nChunk Footer:\n')
print('End Marker : 0x%X' % self.EndMarker)
# Dell PFS.HDR. Extractor
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
def pfs_extract(buffer, pfs_index, pfs_name, pfs_count) :
@ -221,7 +257,7 @@ def pfs_extract(buffer, pfs_index, pfs_name, pfs_count) :
entry_start = 0 # Increasing PFS Entry starting offset
entries_all = [] # Storage for each PFS Entry details
pfs_info = [] # Buffer for PFS Information Entry Data
pfs_entry_struct, pfs_entry_size = get_pfs_entry(payload, entry_start)
pfs_entry_struct, pfs_entry_size = get_pfs_entry(payload, entry_start) # Get PFS Entry Info
while len(payload[entry_start:entry_start + pfs_entry_size]) == pfs_entry_size :
# Get PFS Entry Structure values
pfs_entry = get_struct(payload, entry_start, pfs_entry_struct)
@ -352,20 +388,18 @@ def pfs_extract(buffer, pfs_index, pfs_name, pfs_count) :
zlib_bios_match =
# Check if a sub PFS Header with Payload has Chunked Entries
# Chunked Entries can be determined via the "DellX" string
pfs_entry_struct, pfs_entry_size = get_pfs_entry(entry_data, pfs_header_size)
chunk_tag_off = pfs_header_size + pfs_entry_size + 0x4 # Chunk Tag starts at 0x4 and is probably 0x10 sized
chunk_tag = entry_data[chunk_tag_off:chunk_tag_off + 0x10].replace(b'\x00',b'\x20').decode('utf-8','ignore').strip()
if chunk_tag in ('DellX7','DellX11') :
is_chunk = True
elif chunk_tag.startswith('Dell') :
is_chunk = True
print('\n Error: Unknown sub PFS Entry Chunk Tag %s!' % chunk_tag)
pfs_entry_struct, pfs_entry_size = get_pfs_entry(entry_data, pfs_header_size) # Get PFS Entry Info
chunk_info_hdr_off = pfs_header_size + pfs_entry_size # Chunk Info Header starts after PFS Header & PFS Entry
if len(entry_data[chunk_info_hdr_off:chunk_info_hdr_off + chunk_info_header_size]) == chunk_info_header_size :
chunk_info_hdr = get_struct(entry_data, chunk_info_hdr_off, CHUNK_INFO_HDR) # Get Chunk Info Header
chunk_dell_tag = chunk_info_hdr.DellTag.replace(b'\x00',b'\x20').decode('utf-8','ignore').strip() # Chunk Dell Tag
chunk_flags_size = chunk_info_hdr.FlagsSize # Size of Chunk Info Flags
chunk_payload_size = chunk_info_hdr.ChunkSize # Size of Chunk Raw Data
else :
is_chunk = False
chunk_dell_tag = 'None' # Payload does not have Chunked Entries
chunk_flags_size = 0
if entry_hdr.Tag == b'PFS.HDR.' and is_chunk :
if entry_hdr.Tag == b'PFS.HDR.' and chunk_dell_tag.startswith('Dell') :
# Validate that a known sub PFS Header Version was encountered
if entry_hdr.HeaderVersion not in (1,2) :
print('\n Error: Unknown sub PFS Entry Header Version %d!' % entry_hdr.HeaderVersion)
@ -384,6 +418,23 @@ def pfs_extract(buffer, pfs_index, pfs_name, pfs_count) :
if entry_hdr.PayloadSize != entry_ftr.PayloadSize :
print('\n Error: Sub PFS Entry Header & Footer Payload Size mismatch!')
# Get sub PFS Entry Structure values
pfs_chunk_entry = get_struct(entry_data, pfs_header_size, pfs_entry_struct)
# Validate that a known sub PFS Entry Header Version was encountered
if pfs_chunk_entry.HeaderVersion not in (1,2) :
print('\n Error: Unknown sub PFS Chunk Entry Header Version %d!' % pfs_chunk_entry.HeaderVersion)
# Validate that the sub PFS Entry Reserved field is empty
if pfs_chunk_entry.Reserved != 0 :
print('\n Error: Detected non-empty sub PFS Chunk Entry Reserved field!')
# Validate that the Chunk Extra Info Footer End Marker is proper
chunk_info_ftr_off = chunk_info_hdr_off + chunk_info_header_size + chunk_flags_size
chunk_info_ftr = get_struct(entry_data, chunk_info_ftr_off, CHUNK_INFO_FTR)
if chunk_info_ftr.EndMarker != 0xFF :
print('\n Error: Unknown sub PFS Chunk Info Footer End Marker 0x%X!' % chunk_info_ftr.EndMarker)
# Get sub PFS Payload Data
chunks_payload = entry_data[pfs_header_size:pfs_header_size + entry_hdr.PayloadSize]
@ -397,8 +448,11 @@ def pfs_extract(buffer, pfs_index, pfs_name, pfs_count) :
# Parse all sub PFS Payload Entries/Chunks
chunk_data_all = [] # Storage for each sub PFS Entry/Chunk Order + Data
chunk_entry_start = 0 # Increasing sub PFS Entry/Chunk starting offset
pfs_entry_struct, pfs_entry_size = get_pfs_entry(chunks_payload, chunk_entry_start) # Get PFS_HDR Info
pfs_entry_struct, pfs_entry_size = get_pfs_entry(chunks_payload, chunk_entry_start) # Get PFS Entry Info (initial)
while len(chunks_payload[chunk_entry_start:chunk_entry_start + pfs_entry_size]) == pfs_entry_size :
# Get Next PFS Entry Info, skip at the first loop iteration because we already have it
if chunk_entry_start : pfs_entry_struct, pfs_entry_size = get_pfs_entry(chunks_payload, chunk_entry_start)
# Get sub PFS Entry Structure values
pfs_chunk_entry = get_struct(chunks_payload, chunk_entry_start, pfs_entry_struct)
@ -410,21 +464,34 @@ def pfs_extract(buffer, pfs_index, pfs_name, pfs_count) :
if pfs_chunk_entry.Reserved != 0 :
print('\n Error: Detected non-empty sub PFS Chunk Entry Reserved field!')
# Each sub PFS Payload Entry/Chunk includes some Extra Chunk Data/Information at the beginning
# The Chunk Extra Info consists of a Header (0x28), variable sized Flags & End Marker Footer (0x8)
# We need the Chunk Extra Info size so that its Data can be removed from the final Chunk Raw Data
chunk_info_hdr_off = chunk_entry_start + pfs_entry_size # Chunk Info Header starts after PFS Entry
chunk_info_hdr = get_struct(chunks_payload, chunk_info_hdr_off, CHUNK_INFO_HDR) # Get Chunk Info Header
chunk_dell_tag = chunk_info_hdr.DellTag.replace(b'\x00',b'\x20').decode('utf-8','ignore').strip() # Chunk Dell Tag
chunk_flags_size = chunk_info_hdr.FlagsSize # Size of Chunk Info Flags
chunk_payload_size = chunk_info_hdr.ChunkSize # Size of Chunk Raw Data
chunk_info_size = pfs_chunk_entry.DataSize - chunk_payload_size # Size of Chunk Info
# Validate that the Chunk Extra Info Header Dell Tag is proper
if not chunk_dell_tag.startswith('Dell') :
print('\n Error: Unknown sub PFS Chunk Info Header Dell Tag %s!' % chunk_dell_tag)
# Validate that the Chunk Extra Info Footer End Marker is proper
chunk_info_ftr_off = chunk_info_hdr_off + chunk_info_header_size + chunk_flags_size
chunk_info_ftr = get_struct(chunks_payload, chunk_info_ftr_off, CHUNK_INFO_FTR)
if chunk_info_ftr.EndMarker != 0xFF :
print('\n Error: Unknown sub PFS Chunk Info Footer End Marker 0x%X!' % chunk_info_ftr.EndMarker)
# The sub PFS Payload Entries/Chunks are not in proper order by default
# We can get the Chunk Order Number from Chunk Extra Info > Flags byte 0x16
chunk_entry_number = chunks_payload[chunk_info_hdr_off + chunk_info_header_size + 0x16] # Get Chunk Order Number
# Get sub PFS Entry Version string via "Version" and "VersionType" fields
# This is not useful as the Version of each Chunk does not matter at all
chunk_entry_version = get_version(pfs_chunk_entry.Version, pfs_chunk_entry.VersionType)
# Each sub PFS Payload Entry/Chunk includes some Extra Chunk Data/Information at the beginning
# We must determine the Chunk Extra Info size to remove its Data from the final Chunk Raw Data
# The Chunk Extra Info consists of a Header 0x28 (?), variable sized Flags & End of Flags (0x8)
chunk_raw_size_off = chunk_entry_start + pfs_entry_size + 0x20 # Chunk Raw Data Size is at 0x20-0x24
chunk_raw_size = int.from_bytes(chunks_payload[chunk_raw_size_off:chunk_raw_size_off + 0x4], 'little')
chunk_info_size = pfs_chunk_entry.DataSize - chunk_raw_size # Get Chunk Extra Info size
# The sub PFS Payload Entries/Chunks are not in proper order by default
# However, we can get the Chunk Order Number from a Chunk Extra Info byte
chunk_entry_number = chunks_payload[chunk_entry_start + pfs_entry_size + 0x3E] # Chunk Order Number is at 0x3E
# Sub PFS Entry Data starts after the sub PFS Entry Structure
chunk_entry_data_start = chunk_entry_start + pfs_entry_size
chunk_entry_data_end = chunk_entry_data_start + pfs_chunk_entry.DataSize
@ -451,13 +518,10 @@ def pfs_extract(buffer, pfs_index, pfs_name, pfs_count) :
chunk_entry_start = chunk_entry_met_sig_end # Next sub PFS Entry/Chunk starts after sub PFS Entry Metadata Signature
pfs_entry_struct, pfs_entry_size = get_pfs_entry(chunks_payload, chunk_entry_start) # Get Next PFS_HDR Info
chunk_data_all.sort() # Sort all sub PFS Entries/Chunks based on their Order Number
entry_data = b'' # Initialize new PFS Entry Data
for chunk in chunk_data_all :
# Merge all sub PFS Chunks into the final new PFS Entry Data
for chunk in chunk_data_all : # Merge all sub PFS Chunks into the final new PFS Entry Data
entry_data += chunk[1][chunk[2]:] # Skip the sub PFS Chunk Extra Info when merging
entry_type = 'CHUNKS' # Re-set PFS Entry Type from OTHER to CHUNKS, in case such info is needed afterwards
@ -672,6 +736,8 @@ pfs_header_size = ctypes.sizeof(PFS_HDR)
pfs_footer_size = ctypes.sizeof(PFS_FTR)
pfs_info_size = ctypes.sizeof(PFS_INFO)
met_info_size = ctypes.sizeof(METADATA_INFO)
chunk_info_header_size = ctypes.sizeof(CHUNK_INFO_HDR)
chunk_info_footer_size = ctypes.sizeof(CHUNK_INFO_FTR)
if len(sys.argv) >= 2 :
# Drag & Drop or CLI