/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Atmosphère-NX * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include "fatal_config.hpp" #include "fatal_task_power.hpp" namespace ams::fatal::srv { namespace { /* Task types. */ class PowerControlTask : public ITaskWithDefaultStack { private: bool TryShutdown(); void MonitorBatteryState(); public: virtual Result Run() override; virtual const char *GetName() const override { return "PowerControlTask"; } }; class PowerButtonObserveTask : public ITaskWithDefaultStack { private: void WaitForPowerButton(); public: virtual Result Run() override; virtual const char *GetName() const override { return "PowerButtonObserveTask"; } }; class StateTransitionStopTask : public ITaskWithDefaultStack { public: virtual Result Run() override; virtual const char *GetName() const override { return "StateTransitionStopTask"; } }; class RebootTimingObserver { private: os::Tick start_tick; bool flag; s32 interval; public: RebootTimingObserver(bool flag, s32 interval) : start_tick(os::GetSystemTick()), flag(flag), interval(interval) { /* ... */ } bool IsRebootTiming() const { auto current_tick = os::GetSystemTick(); return this->flag && (current_tick - this->start_tick).ToTimeSpan().GetSeconds() >= this->interval; } }; /* Task globals. */ PowerControlTask g_power_control_task; PowerButtonObserveTask g_power_button_observe_task; StateTransitionStopTask g_state_transition_stop_task; /* Task Implementations. */ bool PowerControlTask::TryShutdown() { /* Set a timeout of 30 seconds. */ constexpr s32 MaxShutdownWaitSeconds = 30; auto start_tick = os::GetSystemTick(); bool perform_shutdown = true; PsmBatteryVoltageState bv_state = PsmBatteryVoltageState_Normal; while (true) { auto cur_tick = os::GetSystemTick(); if ((cur_tick - start_tick).ToTimeSpan().GetSeconds() > MaxShutdownWaitSeconds) { break; } if (R_FAILED(psmGetBatteryVoltageState(&bv_state)) || bv_state == PsmBatteryVoltageState_NeedsShutdown) { break; } if (bv_state == PsmBatteryVoltageState_Normal) { perform_shutdown = false; break; } /* Query voltage state every 1 seconds, for 30 seconds. */ os::SleepThread(TimeSpan::FromSeconds(1)); } if (perform_shutdown) { bpcShutdownSystem(); } return perform_shutdown; } void PowerControlTask::MonitorBatteryState() { PsmBatteryVoltageState bv_state = PsmBatteryVoltageState_Normal; /* Check the battery state, and shutdown on low voltage. */ if (R_FAILED(psmGetBatteryVoltageState(&bv_state)) || bv_state == PsmBatteryVoltageState_NeedsShutdown) { /* Wait a second for the error report task to finish. */ this->context->erpt_event->TimedWait(TimeSpan::FromSeconds(1)); this->TryShutdown(); return; } /* Signal we've checked the battery at least once. */ this->context->battery_event->Signal(); /* Loop querying voltage state every 5 seconds. */ while (true) { if (R_FAILED(psmGetBatteryVoltageState(&bv_state))) { bv_state = PsmBatteryVoltageState_NeedsShutdown; } switch (bv_state) { case PsmBatteryVoltageState_NeedsShutdown: case PsmBatteryVoltageState_NeedsSleep: { bool shutdown = this->TryShutdown(); if (shutdown) { return; } } break; default: break; } os::SleepThread(TimeSpan::FromSeconds(5)); } } void PowerButtonObserveTask::WaitForPowerButton() { /* Wait up to a second for error report generation to finish. */ this->context->erpt_event->TimedWait(TimeSpan::FromSeconds(1)); /* Force a reboot after some time if kiosk unit. */ const auto &config = GetFatalConfig(); RebootTimingObserver quest_reboot_helper(config.IsQuest(), config.GetQuestRebootTimeoutInterval()); RebootTimingObserver fatal_reboot_helper(config.IsFatalRebootEnabled(), config.GetFatalRebootTimeoutInterval()); bool check_vol_up = true, check_vol_down = true; GpioPadSession vol_up_btn, vol_down_btn; if (R_FAILED(gpioOpenSession(&vol_up_btn, GpioPadName_ButtonVolUp))) { check_vol_up = false; } if (R_FAILED(gpioOpenSession(&vol_down_btn, GpioPadName_ButtonVolDown))) { check_vol_down = false; } /* Ensure we close on early return. */ ON_SCOPE_EXIT { if (check_vol_up) { gpioPadClose(&vol_up_btn); } }; ON_SCOPE_EXIT { if (check_vol_down) { gpioPadClose(&vol_down_btn); } }; /* Set direction input. */ if (check_vol_up) { gpioPadSetDirection(&vol_up_btn, GpioDirection_Input); } if (check_vol_down) { gpioPadSetDirection(&vol_down_btn, GpioDirection_Input); } BpcSleepButtonState state; GpioValue val; while (true) { if (fatal_reboot_helper.IsRebootTiming() || (quest_reboot_helper.IsRebootTiming()) || (check_vol_up && R_SUCCEEDED(gpioPadGetValue(&vol_up_btn, &val)) && val == GpioValue_Low) || (check_vol_down && R_SUCCEEDED(gpioPadGetValue(&vol_down_btn, &val)) && val == GpioValue_Low) || (R_SUCCEEDED(bpcGetSleepButtonState(&state)) && state == BpcSleepButtonState_Held)) { /* If any of the above conditions succeeded, we should reboot. */ bpcRebootSystem(); return; } /* Wait 100 ms between button checks. */ os::SleepThread(TimeSpan::FromMilliSeconds(100)); } } Result PowerControlTask::Run() { this->MonitorBatteryState(); return ResultSuccess(); } Result PowerButtonObserveTask::Run() { this->WaitForPowerButton(); return ResultSuccess(); } Result StateTransitionStopTask::Run() { /* Nintendo ignores the output of this call... */ spsmPutErrorState(); return ResultSuccess(); } } ITask *GetPowerControlTask(const ThrowContext *ctx) { g_power_control_task.Initialize(ctx); return &g_power_control_task; } ITask *GetPowerButtonObserveTask(const ThrowContext *ctx) { g_power_button_observe_task.Initialize(ctx); return &g_power_button_observe_task; } ITask *GetStateTransitionStopTask(const ThrowContext *ctx) { g_state_transition_stop_task.Initialize(ctx); return &g_state_transition_stop_task; } }