
120 lines
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__package__ = 'archivebox.plugantic'
import inspect
from huey.api import TaskWrapper
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Literal
from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, computed_field
class BaseHook(BaseModel):
A Plugin consists of a list of Hooks, applied to django.conf.settings when -> Plugin.register() is called.
Plugin.register() then calls each Hook.register() on the provided settings.
each Hook.regsiter() function (ideally pure) takes a django.conf.settings as input and returns a new one back.
it modifies django.conf.settings in-place to add changes corresponding to its HookType.
e.g. for a HookType.CONFIG, the Hook.register() function places the hook in settings.CONFIG (and settings.HOOKS)
An example of an impure Hook would be a CHECK that modifies settings but also calls django.core.checks.register(check).
In practice any object that subclasses BaseHook and provides a .register() function can behave as a Hook.
setup_django() -> imports all settings.INSTALLED_APPS...
# django imports AppConfig, models, migrations, admins, etc. for all installed apps
# django then calls AppConfig.ready() on each installed app...
builtin_plugins.npm.NpmPlugin().AppConfig.ready() # called by django
builtin_plugins.npm.NpmPlugin().register(settings) ->
plugantic.base_hook.BaseHook().register(settings, parent_plugin=builtin_plugins.npm.NpmPlugin())
Both core ArchiveBox code and plugin code depend on python >= 3.10 and django >= 5.0 w/ sqlite and a filesystem.
Core ArchiveBox code can depend only on python and the pip libraries it ships with, and can never depend on plugin code / node / other binaries.
Plugin code can depend on archivebox core, other django apps, other pip libraries, and other plugins.
Plugins can provide BinProviders + Binaries which can depend on arbitrary other binaries / package managers like curl / wget / yt-dlp / etc.
The execution interface between plugins is simply calling builtinplugins.npm.... functions directly, django handles
importing all plugin code. There is no need to manually register methods/classes, only register to call
impure setup functions or provide runtime state.
settings.CONFIGS / settings.BINPROVIDERS / settings.BINARIES /... etc. are reserved for dynamic runtime state only.
This state is exposed to the broader system in a flat namespace, e.g. CONFIG.IS_DOCKER=True, or BINARIES = [
..., Binary('node', abspath='/usr/local/bin/node', version='22.2.0'), ...
model_config = ConfigDict(
ignored_types=(TaskWrapper, ),
# verbose_name: str = Field()
is_registered: bool = False
is_ready: bool = False
def id(self) -> str:
return self.__class__.__name__
def hook_module(self) -> str:
"""e.g. builtin_plugins.singlefile.apps.SinglefileConfigSet"""
return f'{self.__module__}.{self.__class__.__name__}'
def hook_file(self) -> Path:
"""e.g. builtin_plugins.singlefile.apps.SinglefileConfigSet"""
return Path(inspect.getfile(self.__class__))
def plugin_module(self) -> str:
"""e.g. builtin_plugins.singlefile"""
return f"{self.__module__}.{self.__class__.__name__}".split("archivebox.", 1)[-1].rsplit(".apps.", 1)[0]
def plugin_dir(self) -> Path:
return Path(inspect.getfile(self.__class__)).parent.resolve()
hook_type: HookType = Field()
def register(self, settings, parent_plugin=None):
"""Load a record of an installed hook into global Django settings.HOOKS at runtime."""
self._plugin = parent_plugin # for debugging only, never rely on this!
# assert json.dumps(self.model_json_schema(), indent=4), f"Hook {self.hook_module} has invalid JSON schema."
# record installed hook in settings.HOOKS
settings.HOOKS[] = self
if settings.HOOKS[].is_registered:
raise Exception(f"Tried to run {self.hook_module}.register() but its already been called!")
settings.HOOKS[].is_registered = True
# print("REGISTERED HOOK:", self.hook_module)
def ready(self, settings):
"""Runs any runtime code needed when AppConfig.ready() is called (after all models are imported)."""
assert in settings.HOOKS, f"Tried to ready hook {self.hook_module} but it is not registered in settings.HOOKS."
if settings.HOOKS[].is_ready:
raise Exception(f"Tried to run {self.hook_module}.ready() but its already been called!")
settings.HOOKS[].is_ready = True