import os import json from datetime import datetime from string import Template from typing import List, Tuple, Iterator, Optional, Mapping, Iterable from collections import OrderedDict from .schema import Link, ArchiveResult from .config import ( OUTPUT_DIR, TEMPLATES_DIR, VERSION, GIT_SHA, FOOTER_INFO, TIMEOUT, URL_BLACKLIST_PTN, ) from .util import ( scheme, fuzzy_url, ts_to_date, urlencode, htmlencode, urldecode, wget_output_path, enforce_types, TimedProgress, copy_and_overwrite, atomic_write, ExtendedEncoder, ) from .parse import parse_links from .logs import ( log_indexing_process_started, log_indexing_started, log_indexing_finished, log_parsing_started, log_parsing_finished, ) TITLE_LOADING_MSG = 'Not yet archived...' ### Link filtering and checking @enforce_types def derived_link_info(link: Link) -> dict: """extend link info with the archive urls and other derived data""" info = link._asdict(extended=True) info.update(link.canonical_outputs()) return info @enforce_types def merge_links(a: Link, b: Link) -> Link: """deterministially merge two links, favoring longer field values over shorter, and "cleaner" values over worse ones. """ assert a.base_url == b.base_url, 'Cannot merge two links with different URLs' url = a.url if len(a.url) > len(b.url) else b.url possible_titles = [ title for title in (a.title, b.title) if title and title.strip() and '://' not in title ] title = None if len(possible_titles) == 2: title = max(possible_titles, key=lambda t: len(t)) elif len(possible_titles) == 1: title = possible_titles[0] timestamp = ( a.timestamp if float(a.timestamp or 0) < float(b.timestamp or 0) else b.timestamp ) tags_set = ( set(tag.strip() for tag in (a.tags or '').split(',')) | set(tag.strip() for tag in (b.tags or '').split(',')) ) tags = ','.join(tags_set) or None sources = list(set(a.sources + b.sources)) all_methods = set(list(a.history.keys()) + list(a.history.keys())) history = { method: (a.history.get(method) or []) + (b.history.get(method) or []) for method in all_methods } for method in all_methods: deduped_jsons = { json.dumps(result, sort_keys=True, cls=ExtendedEncoder) for result in history[method] } history[method] = list(reversed(sorted( (ArchiveResult.from_json(json.loads(result)) for result in deduped_jsons), key=lambda result: result.start_ts, ))) return Link( url=url, timestamp=timestamp, title=title, tags=tags, sources=sources, history=history, ) def validate_links(links: Iterable[Link]) -> Iterable[Link]: links = archivable_links(links) # remove chrome://, about:, mailto: etc. links = sorted_links(links) # deterministically sort the links based on timstamp, url links = uniquefied_links(links) # merge/dedupe duplicate timestamps & urls if not links: print('[X] No links found :(') raise SystemExit(1) return links def archivable_links(links: Iterable[Link]) -> Iterable[Link]: """remove chrome://, about:// or other schemed links that cant be archived""" for link in links: scheme_is_valid = scheme(link.url) in ('http', 'https', 'ftp') not_blacklisted = (not URL_BLACKLIST_PTN.match(link.url)) if URL_BLACKLIST_PTN else True if scheme_is_valid and not_blacklisted: yield link def uniquefied_links(sorted_links: Iterable[Link]) -> Iterable[Link]: """ ensures that all non-duplicate links have monotonically increasing timestamps """ unique_urls: OrderedDict[str, Link] = OrderedDict() for link in sorted_links: fuzzy = fuzzy_url(link.url) if fuzzy in unique_urls: # merge with any other links that share the same url link = merge_links(unique_urls[fuzzy], link) unique_urls[fuzzy] = link unique_timestamps: OrderedDict[str, Link] = OrderedDict() for link in unique_urls.values(): new_link = link.overwrite( timestamp=lowest_uniq_timestamp(unique_timestamps, link.timestamp), ) unique_timestamps[new_link.timestamp] = new_link return unique_timestamps.values() def sorted_links(links: Iterable[Link]) -> Iterable[Link]: sort_func = lambda link: (link.timestamp.split('.', 1)[0], link.url) return sorted(links, key=sort_func, reverse=True) def links_after_timestamp(links: Iterable[Link], resume: float=None) -> Iterable[Link]: if not resume: yield from links return for link in links: try: if float(link.timestamp) <= resume: yield link except (ValueError, TypeError): print('Resume value and all timestamp values must be valid numbers.') def lowest_uniq_timestamp(used_timestamps: OrderedDict, timestamp: str) -> str: """resolve duplicate timestamps by appending a decimal 1234, 1234 -> 1234.1, 1234.2""" timestamp = timestamp.split('.')[0] nonce = 0 # first try 152323423 before 152323423.0 if timestamp not in used_timestamps: return timestamp new_timestamp = '{}.{}'.format(timestamp, nonce) while new_timestamp in used_timestamps: nonce += 1 new_timestamp = '{}.{}'.format(timestamp, nonce) return new_timestamp ### Homepage index for all the links @enforce_types def write_links_index(links: List[Link], out_dir: str=OUTPUT_DIR, finished: bool=False) -> None: """create index.html file for a given list of links""" log_indexing_process_started() log_indexing_started(out_dir, 'index.json') timer = TimedProgress(TIMEOUT * 2, prefix=' ') try: write_json_links_index(links, out_dir=out_dir) finally: timer.end() log_indexing_finished(out_dir, 'index.json') log_indexing_started(out_dir, 'index.html') timer = TimedProgress(TIMEOUT * 2, prefix=' ') try: write_html_links_index(links, out_dir=out_dir, finished=finished) finally: timer.end() log_indexing_finished(out_dir, 'index.html') @enforce_types def load_links_index(out_dir: str=OUTPUT_DIR, import_path: Optional[str]=None) -> Tuple[List[Link], List[Link]]: """parse and load existing index with any new links from import_path merged in""" existing_links: List[Link] = [] if out_dir: existing_links = list(parse_json_links_index(out_dir)) new_links: List[Link] = [] if import_path: # parse and validate the import file log_parsing_started(import_path) raw_links, parser_name = parse_links(import_path) new_links = list(validate_links(raw_links)) # merge existing links in out_dir and new links all_links = list(validate_links(existing_links + new_links)) if import_path and parser_name: num_parsed = len(raw_links) num_new_links = len(all_links) - len(existing_links) log_parsing_finished(num_parsed, num_new_links, parser_name) return all_links, new_links @enforce_types def write_json_links_index(links: List[Link], out_dir: str=OUTPUT_DIR) -> None: """write the json link index to a given path""" assert isinstance(links, List), 'Links must be a list, not a generator.' assert not links or isinstance(links[0].history, dict) assert not links or isinstance(links[0].sources, list) if links and links[0].history.get('title'): assert isinstance(links[0].history['title'][0], ArchiveResult) if links and links[0].sources: assert isinstance(links[0].sources[0], str) path = os.path.join(out_dir, 'index.json') index_json = { 'info': 'ArchiveBox Index', 'source': '', 'docs': '', 'version': VERSION, 'num_links': len(links), 'updated':, 'links': links, } atomic_write(index_json, path) @enforce_types def parse_json_links_index(out_dir: str=OUTPUT_DIR) -> Iterator[Link]: """parse a archive index json file and return the list of links""" index_path = os.path.join(out_dir, 'index.json') if os.path.exists(index_path): with open(index_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: links = json.load(f)['links'] for link_json in links: yield Link.from_json(link_json) return () @enforce_types def write_html_links_index(links: List[Link], out_dir: str=OUTPUT_DIR, finished: bool=False) -> None: """write the html link index to a given path""" copy_and_overwrite( os.path.join(TEMPLATES_DIR, 'static'), os.path.join(out_dir, 'static'), ) atomic_write('User-agent: *\nDisallow: /', os.path.join(out_dir, 'robots.txt')) with open(os.path.join(TEMPLATES_DIR, 'index.html'), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: index_html = with open(os.path.join(TEMPLATES_DIR, 'index_row.html'), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: link_row_html = link_rows = [] for link in links: template_row_vars: Mapping[str, str] = { **derived_link_info(link), 'title': ( link.title or (link.base_url if link.is_archived else TITLE_LOADING_MSG) ), 'tags': (link.tags or '') + (' {}'.format(link.extension) if link.is_static else ''), 'favicon_url': ( os.path.join('archive', link.timestamp, 'favicon.ico') # if link['is_archived'] else '' ), 'archive_url': urlencode( wget_output_path(link) or 'index.html' ), } link_rows.append(Template(link_row_html).substitute(**template_row_vars)) template_vars: Mapping[str, str] = { 'num_links': str(len(links)), 'date_updated':'%Y-%m-%d'), 'time_updated':'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'), 'footer_info': FOOTER_INFO, 'version': VERSION, 'git_sha': GIT_SHA, 'rows': '\n'.join(link_rows), 'status': 'finished' if finished else 'running', } template_html = Template(index_html).substitute(**template_vars) atomic_write(template_html, os.path.join(out_dir, 'index.html')) @enforce_types def patch_links_index(link: Link, out_dir: str=OUTPUT_DIR) -> None: """hack to in-place update one row's info in the generated index html""" title = link.title or link.latest_outputs()['title'] successful = link.num_outputs # Patch JSON index json_file_links = parse_json_links_index(out_dir) patched_links = [] for saved_link in json_file_links: if saved_link.url == link.url: patched_links.append(saved_link.overwrite( title=title, history=link.history, updated=link.updated, )) else: patched_links.append(saved_link) write_json_links_index(patched_links, out_dir=out_dir) # Patch HTML index html_path = os.path.join(out_dir, 'index.html') html = open(html_path, 'r').read().split('\n') for idx, line in enumerate(html): if title and (' None: link_dir = link_dir or link.link_dir write_json_link_index(link, link_dir) write_html_link_index(link, link_dir) @enforce_types def write_json_link_index(link: Link, link_dir: Optional[str]=None) -> None: """write a json file with some info about the link""" link_dir = link_dir or link.link_dir path = os.path.join(link_dir, 'index.json') atomic_write(link._asdict(), path) @enforce_types def parse_json_link_index(link_dir: str) -> Optional[Link]: """load the json link index from a given directory""" existing_index = os.path.join(link_dir, 'index.json') if os.path.exists(existing_index): with open(existing_index, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: link_json = json.load(f) return Link.from_json(link_json) return None @enforce_types def load_json_link_index(link: Link, link_dir: Optional[str]=None) -> Link: """check for an existing link archive in the given directory, and load+merge it into the given link dict """ link_dir = link_dir or link.link_dir existing_link = parse_json_link_index(link_dir) if existing_link: return merge_links(existing_link, link) return link @enforce_types def write_html_link_index(link: Link, link_dir: Optional[str]=None) -> None: link_dir = link_dir or link.link_dir with open(os.path.join(TEMPLATES_DIR, 'link_index.html'), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: link_html = path = os.path.join(link_dir, 'index.html') template_vars: Mapping[str, str] = { **derived_link_info(link), 'title': ( link.title or (link.base_url if link.is_archived else TITLE_LOADING_MSG) ), 'url_str': htmlencode(urldecode(link.base_url)), 'archive_url': urlencode( wget_output_path(link) or (link.domain if link.is_archived else 'about:blank') ), 'extension': link.extension or 'html', 'tags': link.tags or 'untagged', 'status': 'archived' if link.is_archived else 'not yet archived', 'status_color': 'success' if link.is_archived else 'danger', 'oldest_archive_date': ts_to_date(link.oldest_archive_date), } html_index = Template(link_html).substitute(**template_vars) atomic_write(html_index, path)