__package__ = 'archivebox.extractors' import os from typing import Optional, List, Iterable from datetime import datetime from ..index.schema import Link from ..index import ( load_link_details, write_link_details, patch_main_index, ) from ..util import enforce_types from ..logging_util import ( log_archiving_started, log_archiving_paused, log_archiving_finished, log_link_archiving_started, log_link_archiving_finished, log_archive_method_started, log_archive_method_finished, ) from .title import should_save_title, save_title from .favicon import should_save_favicon, save_favicon from .wget import should_save_wget, save_wget from .singlefile import should_save_singlefile, save_singlefile from .readability import should_save_readability, save_readability from .pdf import should_save_pdf, save_pdf from .screenshot import should_save_screenshot, save_screenshot from .dom import should_save_dom, save_dom from .git import should_save_git, save_git from .media import should_save_media, save_media from .archive_org import should_save_archive_dot_org, save_archive_dot_org def get_default_archive_methods(): return [ ('title', should_save_title, save_title), ('favicon', should_save_favicon, save_favicon), ('wget', should_save_wget, save_wget), ('singlefile', should_save_singlefile, save_singlefile), ('pdf', should_save_pdf, save_pdf), ('screenshot', should_save_screenshot, save_screenshot), ('dom', should_save_dom, save_dom), ('readability', should_save_readability, save_readability), #keep readability below wget and singlefile, as it depends on them ('git', should_save_git, save_git), ('media', should_save_media, save_media), ('archive_org', should_save_archive_dot_org, save_archive_dot_org), ] @enforce_types def ignore_methods(to_ignore: List[str]): ARCHIVE_METHODS = get_default_archive_methods() methods = filter(lambda x: x[0] not in to_ignore, ARCHIVE_METHODS) methods = map(lambda x: x[1], methods) return list(methods) @enforce_types def archive_link(link: Link, overwrite: bool=False, methods: Optional[Iterable[str]]=None, out_dir: Optional[str]=None, skip_index: bool=False) -> Link: """download the DOM, PDF, and a screenshot into a folder named after the link's timestamp""" ARCHIVE_METHODS = get_default_archive_methods() if methods is not None: ARCHIVE_METHODS = [ method for method in ARCHIVE_METHODS if method[1] in methods ] out_dir = out_dir or link.link_dir try: is_new = not os.path.exists(out_dir) if is_new: os.makedirs(out_dir) link = load_link_details(link, out_dir=out_dir) write_link_details(link, out_dir=out_dir, skip_sql_index=skip_index) log_link_archiving_started(link, out_dir, is_new) link = link.overwrite(updated=datetime.now()) stats = {'skipped': 0, 'succeeded': 0, 'failed': 0} for method_name, should_run, method_function in ARCHIVE_METHODS: try: if method_name not in link.history: link.history[method_name] = [] if should_run(link, out_dir) or overwrite: log_archive_method_started(method_name) result = method_function(link=link, out_dir=out_dir) link.history[method_name].append(result) stats[result.status] += 1 log_archive_method_finished(result) else: print(' > Skipping extractor: {}'.format(method_name)) stats['skipped'] += 1 except Exception as e: raise Exception('Exception in archive_methods.save_{}(Link(url={}))'.format( method_name, link.url, )) from e # print(' ', stats) try: latest_title = link.history['title'][-1].output.strip() if latest_title and len(latest_title) >= len(link.title or ''): link = link.overwrite(title=latest_title) except Exception: pass write_link_details(link, out_dir=out_dir, skip_sql_index=skip_index) if not skip_index: patch_main_index(link) # # If any changes were made, update the main links index json and html # was_changed = stats['succeeded'] or stats['failed'] # if was_changed: # patch_main_index(link) log_link_archiving_finished(link, link.link_dir, is_new, stats) except KeyboardInterrupt: try: write_link_details(link, out_dir=link.link_dir) except: pass raise except Exception as err: print(' ! Failed to archive link: {}: {}'.format(err.__class__.__name__, err)) raise return link @enforce_types def archive_links(links: List[Link], overwrite: bool=False, methods: Optional[Iterable[str]]=None, out_dir: Optional[str]=None) -> List[Link]: if not links: return [] log_archiving_started(len(links)) idx: int = 0 link: Link = links[0] try: for idx, link in enumerate(links): archive_link(link, overwrite=overwrite, methods=methods, out_dir=link.link_dir) except KeyboardInterrupt: log_archiving_paused(len(links), idx, link.timestamp) raise SystemExit(0) except BaseException: print() raise log_archiving_finished(len(links)) return links