from typing import List, Union from pathlib import Path from importlib import import_module from django.db.models import QuerySet from archivebox.index.schema import Link from archivebox.util import enforce_types from archivebox.config import setup_django,stderr, OUTPUT_DIR, USE_INDEXING_BACKEND, USE_SEARCHING_BACKEND, SEARCH_BACKEND_ENGINE from .utils import get_indexable_content, log_index_started def indexing_enabled(): return USE_INDEXING_BACKEND def search_backend_enabled(): return USE_SEARCHING_BACKEND def get_backend(): return f'search.backends.{SEARCH_BACKEND_ENGINE}' def import_backend(): backend_string = get_backend() try: backend = import_module(backend_string) except Exception as err: raise Exception("Could not load '%s' as a backend: %s" % (backend_string, err)) return backend @enforce_types def write_search_index(link: Link, texts: Union[List[str], None]=None, out_dir: Path=OUTPUT_DIR, skip_text_index: bool=False) -> None: if not indexing_enabled(): return if not skip_text_index and texts: setup_django(out_dir, check_db=True) from core.models import Snapshot snap = Snapshot.objects.filter(url=link.url).first() backend = import_backend() if snap: try: backend.index(snapshot_id=str(, texts=texts) except Exception as err: stderr() stderr( f'[X] The search backend threw an exception={err}:', color='red', ) @enforce_types def query_search_index(query: str, out_dir: Path=OUTPUT_DIR) -> QuerySet: setup_django(out_dir, check_db=True) from core.models import Snapshot if search_backend_enabled(): backend = import_backend() try: snapshot_ids = except Exception as err: stderr() stderr( f'[X] The search backend threw an exception={err}:', color='red', ) raise else: # TODO preserve ordering from backend qsearch = Snapshot.objects.filter(pk__in=snapshot_ids) return qsearch return Snapshot.objects.none() @enforce_types def flush_search_index(snapshots: QuerySet): if not indexing_enabled() or not snapshots: return backend = import_backend() snapshot_ids=(str(pk) for pk in snapshots.values_list('pk',flat=True)) try: backend.flush(snapshot_ids) except Exception as err: stderr() stderr( f'[X] The search backend threw an exception={err}:', color='red', ) @enforce_types def index_links(links: Union[List[Link],None], out_dir: Path=OUTPUT_DIR): if not links: return setup_django(out_dir=out_dir, check_db=True) from core.models import Snapshot, ArchiveResult for link in links: snap = Snapshot.objects.filter(url=link.url).first() if snap: results = ArchiveResult.objects.indexable().filter(snapshot=snap) log_index_started(link.url) try: texts = get_indexable_content(results) except Exception as err: stderr() stderr( f'[X] An Exception ocurred reading the indexable content={err}:', color='red', ) else: write_search_index(link, texts, out_dir=out_dir)